How can Expense Management Software Help you Go Green AND Save Money

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Expense Management
No business owner needs convincing of the reasoning behind cost saving and efficiency, but that’s not always the case with going green. We all recognise that being efficient in what we do – from carrying out basic office tasks to managing invoices to completing projects – is important to a company’s ability to keep growing. What we don’t always recognise, though, is how being conscious of environmental concerns throughout our business practices and operations can also be of huge, long-lasting benefit to the business itself. By seeking to reduce your carbon footprint and more efficiently manage your use of energy and materials, you can help create a better, happier and – yes – more profitable company.

What is expense management software?
Let’s take the example of ExpenseIn, an expense management software that allows you to capture receipts with your mobile phone and save them to the cloud. The same software that allows you to do away with retaining paper receipts, is also used to track all of your expenses, apply company expense policy, and generate reports for tax purposes.

How can your business go green?
This and other cloud-based services help businesses reduce their carbon footprint in a number of essential ways. First, they vastly reduce an office’s dependence on paper methods to manage their records. All that documentation is stored, accessed and managed online, so there are no more major orders of paper and other stationary that would otherwise require regular deliveries and material waste. Second, once you’ve cut out the need for paper, energy use is slashed – no more photocopying or faxing. Also, you’ll be using cloud-based services for your file storage needs, so no onsite servers, which can require an enormous amount of energy. The traditional office is a wasteful place, but software solutions allow businesses to be far more environmentally friendly.

How can your business save you money?
As result of these changes, you will be able to cut spending on paper and machinery, you will spend less on energy consumption, and your company will also require less in real estate and overheads. Furthermore, the efficiency and user-friendliness of ExpenseIn and other smart cloud services means that businesses will need less man hours to complete the same work. The savings are huge.

With expense management software and other fantastic online services, small UK businesses can wield the kind of flexibility and confidence that was once the preserve of major corporations, while at the same time being conscious of the environment and developing a more progressive brand.