How to Use Website to Grow Your Real Estate Business

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For real estate agents, and for any business, a website is one of the most important tools that enables them to communicate important information to their customers as well as improve their brand recognition and reputation. Just think about what prospective buyers do these days when they are looking to purchase a home. They will immediately turn to internet to search for the house that suits their needs. They will perform their research, filter available houses to find a suitable match, and after they have narrowed down their choices they will contact the real estate agent. Any agent who does not have a website to help prospective buyer during this initial phase stands to lose a great deal of clients and business.

Now, just setting up a basic website is not going to help you. You need to pay careful attention to various aspects of building and maintaining a website to ensure it communicates the right information and projects the best image of your business. Here are few questions that you need to think about before building a website.

What platform should I use?

There are number of platforms available in the market that you can use to build a website. WordPress is one of the easiest and most flexible platforms you can use for number of reasons. It is search friendly with Google, has easy-to-use content management system and has excellent security protection. WordPress also enables you to structure pages and links as well as nice mobile support. You can use WordPress to create a separate age for each of your listings, for example Richmond Condos and Fleetwood real estate pro, which provides excellent details of the house to prospective buyer.

What are the key features of website I need to pay attention to?

A well designed website can attract the users and keep them around for long time. Here are some of the key features you need to pay attention to as you build the website.

  • Make sure you include the most important and interesting features on the main page where users will be drawn to first.
  • Pay careful attention to the layout, text and color scheme to ensure that the website is easy to read and navigate.
  • Ensure that the website is mobile friendly.
  • Do not clutter the website with unnecessary information. Keep it neat and concise so the user does not get overwhelm.

What information should I include on the website?

This is one of the most important questions you need to pay attention to. You want to include as much information as possible, but at the same time make sure it does not make the website unwieldy. Here are seven key ingredients you should look to include on the website.

  1. Products and service you provide – This is a no brainer. If the user cannot tell what you provide from the first look chances are he is not going to stick around for long on the website.
  2. Your photograph – A professional photograph can do wonders to build connection with the user.
  3. Business specialization – Show what sets you apart from your competitors.
  4. Video – If you can include a video providing details on your business and yourself the buyer will feel more connected to you.
  5. Trust signals – You want to include information that makes buyer comfortable doing business with you. For example, providing testimonials from past customers can build trust in prospective buyers. Some other details you can include to build trust are experience, community engagement, awards, professional associations, etc.
  6. Next steps – You should let the buyers know what next steps they need to take to start working with you.
  7. Call to action – Related to previous item you need to provide ways for the buyer to get in touch with you via phone, email, text, etc.

A website can do wonders to real estate agents, but only if done right. Use these guidelines to build a professional website and grow your business.