3 Ideas to Cut the Cost of a Business Smartphone

Running your own business can often mean that the line between your personal and work life is blurred. Being an entrepreneur means that you will often need to sacrifice personal time for your work, and unlike working in an employed job, there are no set hours where you can clock off at the end of your shift and forget about it all for the rest of the day. Thankfully, there are many ways to improve your work-life balance as an entrepreneur. One of these is by having a business phone, which allows you to take calls, messages, emails, and more in relation to your company separately – no need to wake up to a barrage of emails from clients on your personal handset every morning! But, a business smartphone is an extra expense, so here’s how you can keep the cost down.

  1. Go SIM Only

Your business handset doesn’t have to have all the features that your personal one does – in fact, you could even go for a standard, non-smart handset if all you need to use it for is taking calls and sending text messages, for example. If you plan to use your business phone for email, there are smaller, cheaper smartphone models that you can choose from – there’s no need to splash out on the iPhone 7! Buying a cheaper handset outright means that you can sign up to an affordable SIM only contract; without the cost of the handset to cover in your monthly payment, this can be a very small expense. If you sign up for a 30-day SIM only contract, have your handset unlocked at unlockingsmart.co.uk to allow you to switch networks and take advantage of better prices.

  1. Get a Joint Deal

Many mobile phone networks offer deals for business users where you can get two handsets on one contract at a discounted price. If you’re considering upgrading your personal handset as well, then this is certainly worth enquiring about as it’ll allow you to consolidate the cost into one monthly bill. Even if your network does not offer such a deal, you may be able to save money by taking out a new line with your current provider rather than going to a different one. It’s a good idea to call up and enquire beforehand – if there’s any chance that you might leave and look elsewhere, your provider might offer an exclusive deal.

  1. Recycle an Old Handset

With new handset upgrades being released all the time, many of us have an old smartphone lying around that we no longer use. If you have an old handset that you haven’t gotten around to selling on eBay or don’t have anyone to pass it on to, then why not use this as your business phone? You can get a Pay and Go deal that suits your needs, or as mentioned earlier, sign up for a cheap SIM-only contract. Or, if you’re planning to upgrade your personal handset, then use that one for business once you’ve gotten your shiny new smartphone.

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