Tips for Combining Experiential Marketing with Social Media

As technology advances innovations and new opportunities arise in the field of digital marketing. Experimental marketing has become a new avenue which businesses owners, both big and small are taking advantage of especially in the social media era. Experimental marketing or experience design is a new kind of marketing design that is seeking to engage all the senses of a customer thereby creating an experience that creates an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. Initially, this type of marketing was reserved for big brands that used PR stunts, live events, and in-store promotions among others. Fortunately, innovation has demystified this notion and sense of entitlement; experimental marketing is no longer a reserve for the big brands. Here is how you can integrate it with social media and realize excellent results.

Content is key

In all marketing tactics, content reigns supreme. It is no different in trying to combine experimental marketing with social media. Create content that people would want to share. Social media sharing forms an integral part of lead generation; there is a demographic group of people whose buying behavior is greatly influenced by their friends’ social media posts. So creating content that is shareable will give your post a unique experience with the potential of going viral without even paying for it. This award winning campaign run by Mixer Inc. executes the concept perfectly. You can also give your consumers a chance an option to personalize with your content. The reasoning behind is if your consumers can get submerged in your narrative, make the experience their own, they will be more inclined towards sharing it. It makes them feel like they had a role in creating the content.

Structured sharing plan

You do not have to use all the platforms; you can identify just a few of them that will give you the best returns. Create hashtags and filters for your customers to use. When say for instance you are holding an event and you would want people to share their experiences, offer them something like a photo booth where they can take pictures and share them instantly. You would want them to share randomly but have a structured plan for how the same is done. Targeting and sharing tools are a good way of ensuring that the best images are shared widely. The aim is to turn your customers into loyalists who will be with your brand for life.

Use influencers

Experimental marketing and influencers are pieces of the same pie; they are natural allies who work in tandem with each other. When shopping for influencers settle for established brand evangelists the one who has been sharing your brand long before you even started your campaign. It will feel natural for them, and they will have a genuine enjoyment of what they are doing, and their happy enjoyment will shine through. You do not have to think big; like going for celebrities, you can engage micro-influencers who can do more to boost your brand organic reach. Again the influencer should be an expert in your niche.


Experimental marketing is revolutionizing the way marketing and campaigns are conducted. It offers businesses big and small a flat playing ground where the rules of engagement are the same. To succeed in this fete, you must learn how to create a genuine impact that will captivate your audience with an immersive experience that they cannot resist from amplifying the same to their friends and social followers.