7 Ways to Encourage Overworked Employees to Take Breaks

Contrary to what you might assume, productivity isn’t a byproduct of just consistent hard work. It is the culmination of hard work, taking time off, exercising, resting and eating well. If any of those things are omitted from the equation, it would adversely impact employee productivity.

An overworked employee is more likely to make mistakes and develop high levels of stress. Moreover, overworking results in resentment towards coworkers and employers, low morale and dip in productivity.

As an employer, it’s your responsibility to encourage employees to take time off, reset and resume work with a fresh mind. In this post, we’re sharing the best ways to urge employees to take breaks.

  1. Reform Workplace Culture

Often employees refrain from taking a break because of the fear of being labelled ‘lazy’ or ‘unproductive’. However, taking breaks is necessary to perform well.

Your workplace culture should be ingrained with the concept of taking sufficient breaks. Set up meetings and talk to your employees about taking breaks to rest and revitalise. It’s crucial for their personal well-being and the overall success of the organisation.

  1. Lead by Example

Employees might be hesitant to take a break if they see their leaders glued to work desks. Your employees won’t feel guilty about taking much-needed breaks if they watch you do the same.

So put your words into action and show employees that you require breaks just like everyone else. Instead of eating a sad meal on your desk, head over to the cafeteria, take a walk around the block or chat with a coworker.

  1. Provide Refreshments

Nothing brings people together better than food. Stock the office kitchen with healthy snacks and drinks. Eating nutritious snacks will invigorate employees from post-lunch afternoon slumps. It will also give them an opportunity to interact with each other and alleviate stress.

If your office doesn’t have a kitchen, you should get a vending machine installed. Exact vending Services offers a complete selection of coffee and snacks machines. Their bespoke service includes a free machine, free fill and clean service as well as free maintenance and breakdown cover.

  1. Schedule Meditation Sessions

Breaks aren’t just necessary for physical rest, they’re vital to relax your mind as well. Meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress and unwind.

It’s unlikely that every employee will take it upon themselves to meditate during work. You can encourage mediation by scheduling weekly or biweekly sessions. This will help employees revitalise and approach work with fresh energy.

  1. Encourage Tech Detox

These days, a lot of jobs involve working on desktops and laptops. Staring at a screen all day is physically and mentally exhausting for your employees. You should urge them to take time off from screens and try tech detox whenever they can. Encourage them to take a walk outside or eat lunch without mindlessly scrolling.

  1. Set up a Recreational Area

Sitting at a desk for hours on stretch causes back problems and a range of other medical conditions. You can give your employees a chance to squeeze in some physical activity by setting up a recreational area. An area with Foosball, Table, Tennis, Pool Table and so on boosts morale, builds interpersonal relationships and improves productivity.

  1. Plan Regular Outings

It’s easy to lose yourself in the fast pace of a workplace. Planning team outings is important to keep employees motivated and maintain their productivity levels. You should take your team for lunch, night outs or buddy programs. This is an investment that will result in an engaging workforce that is willing to contribute to the company’s long-term goals.

The Bottom Line

Giving employees a break isn’t a futile practice, rather it’s a necessity. We hope these tips encourage you to create a break-friendly workplace.