3 Ways to Improve Your Teamwork in Your Business

We are more than a year into the Coronavirus pandemic and it’s fair to say that we are all still figuring out how best to do manage and run our teams in such extraordinary circumstances. Everyone who manages a group of people has had to learn how to adapt to new ways of working, they have had to provide flexibility for colleagues going through some difficult personal circumstances, and they have had to learn how to juggle a hundred and one tasks while staying appraised of the latest social distancing rules.

Brighter times are ahead but it looks like we’re going to be in this situation for a while yet, so here are a few ways that you can make life in the virtual office a little easier and make sure that you and your colleagues are on the same page.

  1. Think About When Your Colleagues Work Best

As much as we all know the value of everyone settling down to work at the same time and bouncing into the week from the same starting point, we have all had to learn how to juggle a lot more responsibility this year. We’re sure that you have colleagues who have had to figure out how to fit home-schooling their kids into their workday, or have had to find time to do the food shop for a relative or loved one.

What’s more, we we have all found that people have different working rhythms while working from home. Think about introducing flexible working hours to make sure that people are at their best when they’re at their desk.

  1. Get Organized with Management Software

If we said that 2020 had been a challenge to our organizational practices, we would be putting it lightly. Staying on top of paperwork, making sure that everyone was using their time efficiently and keeping things simple and effective was an uphill struggle last year, so it’s time to take your time management by the scruff of the neck.

A good management software will allow you and your whole team to get to grips with the workflow, to schedule meetings, appointments and time off, and understand where the project is at every stage. It’s not just for commercial businesses, either. Medical practice management software can make scheduling patient appointments and staying on top of treatment journeys much easier, and it’s easy enough for everyone to pick up. Medical Director has helped clinics and practices around the world get to grips with their challenges.

  1. Make Sure You’re Available to Listen

No one has got through the last twelve months without asking for help, and as an employer it’s vital to remember that your colleagues will be facing unpredictable challenges on a day-to-day basis. The effects of the pandemic on mental health have been well-documented already but new aftershocks will continue to emerge for a long time yet.

This is why it is so important that your employees can feel like you are on their side, and that you are there to listen if they need someone to talk to. Simply staying in touch and making an effort to recreate things like the monthly after-work drinks and celebrating birthdays can make a huge difference.