How Should You Choose a Good Title for Your Webpages?

If you want to make your site easy to navigate, first you should choose a good title for each of your webpages. You should include certain things in the title of your webpage, not only to have the search engine pick it up for higher ranking, but also so that your targeted users can find you. A good title will attract more attention and the right audience will be attracted to it.

According to Ducktoes SEO Agency, some of the things to include in your title include:

  • Popular words used to search for your services
  • Your company name: they will find you when they look for you
  • The product that you sell: direct and clear better

Remember that each of the pages on your website must have different web titles, so you can use many.

The Length of Your Web Title

You can make the title short or long, but make sure it always less than 60 characters. The size of the title is measured by the number of letters. Google shows between 55 and 60 letters maximum, so it is advisable not to exceed this length. On mobile devices, this size may be smaller.

  • Short titles: with short titles you get high density
  • Long titles: you communicate better and include more variations

The words of the title together with the content of the page form the word cloud by which you can be found in search engines.

Attracting Attention

It is as important to attract attention as it is to convince and retain users. There are websites that scream with capital letters, and others use emoticons. Some of these techniques manage to attract users, but then frustrate users with poor pages that do not have relevant information. Get users to choose your page in search results. A good title attracts attention. Google will improve your ranking if it sees that users choose your website among others. The best titles are relevant to the content of the pages, solve problems, guide, add value, add information. In short, they are useful.

Combining Words and Creating Variations

Users use adjectives, adverbs and ask questions when conducting their searches. Now they use the terms from their mobile phones, words are abbreviated, and articles are ignored. We call the set of words that users use “search terms” and as time goes by, it is increasingly rich and variable. This word cloud is the axis on which the algorithms score each web page, which is structured and the content of your title is an essential part to correctly classify your website.


Web pages have headers, the code segment located at the beginning of the page and delimited by “head”. Within that area of ​​the HTML code, you must place the metatags and in particular the title. The title is seen in the browser and in English it is called “title” which is the HTML tag that gives it its name. Therefore, you should give this its significance as well.