What are the Factors Affecting the Cannabis Strain Growth?

Each marijuana strain holds unique properties that swear to influence the final expression you see on the dispensary shelves. While several strains may confuse you, knowing that external factors affect some internal properties is vital.

The quality of strain depends on the plant by growers and its surrounding habitat. After planting the cannabis seed you chose from a reputable seller such as Zamnesia, numerous environmental factors start to assert force. Know that indoor, as well as outdoor cleaners, debate upon the method’s merits. However, all this comes down to efficiency and control.

Outdoor gardens also harness the natural elements to maximize efficiency and get results that growers look forward to. The indoor gardens also offer a layer of control and protection against weather patterns and other influencers.

It’ll come as a surprise, but know that everything from the light spectrum, source, growth medium, pH, and CO2 levels change the strain outcome. Read on to know-how:

  • Techniques for Cannabis Growth

The material in which the plants live is known as the growing medium. Know that there is an ongoing debate in the cannabis community- between soil and hydroponics systems. Hydroponics is a method in which plants use nutrients from water instead of soil.

However, among methods of growing plants in moist environments or air, aeroponics has become popular.

  • An Influence of Nutrients

Essential food for plants is nutrients. The phrase “you are what you eat” is common during cannabis cultivation also. Each nutrient influences the level of growth as well as potency traits.

Several nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, and potassium play a crucial role in the plant’s homeostasis. Know that these affect plant aspects- right from terpene, cannabinoid production to the physical appearance.

  • Lighting Factors

A factor that significantly impacts the growth of a cannabis strain and bud is the light source. While sunlight as a natural resource is an ultimate choice, diverse lighting technologies swear to play a crucial role. It is because a source of light alters the spectrum that the plant receives.

The experts emphasize on grow light colors as they boost sustainability and generate profits for the cannabis industry. However, note that strains that grow under artificial light need proper ventilation, airflow, and temperature.

  • Humidity and Temperature

The two forces of nature- temperature and humidity are directly proportional. It is because as temperatures in the garden fluctuate, the relative humidity also does. While humidity alters cannabis growth through different stages, know that the absence of proper management leads to contaminants.

Some of the most popular ones are powdery mildew and mold. These occur primarily in the flowering cycle.

Know that these harmful adulterants cause strains to fail microbial screenings, which is a critical requirement in states allowing recreational cannabis.

  • Carbon Dioxide and pH Levels

Cannabis plants benefit from carbon dioxide. Know that these plants make use of CO2 during photosynthesis to convert light into energy required for growth. Using carbon dioxide to add to the garden increases grower yields and brings about dense and chunky buds.

Also, if you wish to build a strain’s susceptibility, make sure to balance the pH levels. If your soil shows acidic levels on the pH spectrum, cannabis will likely thrive in these areas.

Thereby, it is wise to manage the pH levels to control the magical plant’s overall strength and health. After all, it gives the strain the ability to reach its full potential.

Bottom Line

Hopefully, you’ve got a gist about the environmental considerations that impact a strain’s result. Make sure to take note of these to grow your cannabis plant in the best manner.