Why do Many Shoppers Flock to Esty Site to Purchase Personalized and Unique Items

In a world a filled with an increasing variety of businesses, research conducted by an online labeling company into security has discovered that more than 50% of customers who use Etsy do so because of their desire for personalized items.

This is a result of the fact that several people have grown tired of popular high street brands and several e-commerce giants, such as eBay and Amazon; several other online marketplaces are becoming much more popular.

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A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Workers Compensation Insurance

If you own a business with one or more employees, you are required to maintain a safe workplace. In the event that an accident does happen, however, you are also required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Have questions about this insurance? That’s understandable – it can be very confusing! Read on to learn the answers to the most commonly asked questions about workers’ compensation.

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How to Segment Your Email Marketing Campaigns for Best Results

Segmentation is key to success when it comes to marketing – whether it is traditional, online, social media or email. Understanding your target market, segmenting it to align with your business and targeting the right segment is the only way you can get best return on your marketing investment. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your existing customers and attract new ones.

Sending customized emails to your existing customers based on the history of their purchase allows you to get repeat sales while spending minimal amount on marketing. It is said that it cost considerable amount of money to attract new customers. Email marketing also helps you reach no customers at lower cost by finding database of potential customers who might be interested in the products or services you are selling.

While there are tools available to easily send thousands of emails to your customers easily it doesn’t mean you should blanket all of them with one email message. Otherwise, majority of those emails wll end up in the junk folder of the recipients. You should look into applying the segmentation strategies to email marketing, just like you would to any other form of marketing. The tips below can help you do just that.

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Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing vs. Online Marketing

We compare social media marketing and online marketing. For the purposes of this article, social media means posting on websites such as Facebook and Instagram, be it from a personal account or a business page, interacting with customers and either directing them to a standalone website or an e-commerce platform such as Amazon or selling to them directly on social media.

Online marketing means a variety of other forms of marketing on the Internet, including pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and affiliate sales.

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Infographic: How Have Office Dress Codes Have Evolve Over the Years

The culture of any company can be seen by the way in which its employees are dressed. It is the responsibility of Human Resources department to ensure that the policy on office dress code is put in place such that it adheres to the core values of the company, while at the same time giving freedom and flexibility to employees to dress as they se fit. Over the years the office dress codes have changed significantly based on the current cultural trends of the time. Looks the Infographic below to see how employees have dressed over the years from 1950s to 2000s.

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4 Biggest Inventory Management Challenges Businesses Face and How to Overcome Them

Companies regularly face all sorts of challenges, and how you combat them is going to have a lasting impact on whether you can stay in business or not. Inventory management might not be something that comes to the forefront of your mind when you think about such obstacles, yet if you fail to conduct such management properly, you can quickly find yourself in serious trouble. You may find yourself needing to have a look at Techfino’s Netsuite buyers guide or a similar cloud-based solution. Here are four of the most substantial challenges that often come up in the realm of inventory management.

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4 Essential Stress Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress has become a worldwide epidemic. While everyone deals with stress on a daily basis, business owners tend to have the most to worry about. Worries about making money and keeping employees in line can make the life of a small business owner extremely stressful.

Rather than “just dealing” with this stress, your main concern should be finding strategies for combating this harmful state of mind. Read below to find out about some of the most effective strategies for managing high levels of stress.

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Don’t Press Send – Email Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

It might not be the priciest form of online marketing (PPC can firmly take that mantle, with some ridiculously inflated CPCs), but strangely enough email marketing happens to be one of the most profitable for businesses. It doesn’t cost a fortune to implement, while the ROI also tends to be exceptionally high.

Despite this, this isn’t a strategy that can come under the “set and forget” umbrella. On the contrary, email marketing still has to be done properly to work successfully, and through the course of today’s article we will pinpoint some of the most common mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs whenever setting up a campaign.

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Theory X vs. Theory Y: How Management Theories are Adopted in the Workplace

For a long time, centuries in fact, management was just done “off the cuff”. In other words, there were no models or theories, and each person had their own style. It would be fair to say that the situation has turned on its head somewhat. Partly, this is due to the emergence of education in business, and one only has to cast their eye over the Santa Clara University MBA program to see this in full detail.

However, there’s no doubt that theories have helped to change the culture of management. For the purposes of today we are going to hone in on two that were devised by social psychologist Douglas McGregor. Going by the name of Theory X and Theory Y, let’s take a look at how they are adopted in the workplace.

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Infographic: Are You an Entrepreneur or Intrapreneur?

The battle between working for someone else in a large corporation versus venturing on your own rages in many people’s mind. On one hand, there is safety and security of working for someone without having to take on large financial risk; while on other hand there is an urge to go out on your own to prove to yourself what you are capable of.

Steve Jobs coined the term “intrapreneur”, referring to an employee of a company who uses entrepreneurial skills to promote innovative product development and marketing using that company’s capital and resources. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to making a decision between becoming an intrapreneur or entrepreneur. It all depends on how you prefer to work, what is your risk level and whether you like to be your own boss or can settle to work for someone else.

If you are still trying to figure out for yourself what you want to me look at the Infographic below to help you guide through the decision process.

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