How to Pamper Your Best Customers

As we mentioned in the previous post on “Do you know who your best customers are?” for many small businesses their best customers contribute more than 30% of sales and profit even when they make up only 10% of total customer. Not only this; but there is additional benefit they generate for your business that is equally important. They are also your evangelists. They bring in additional business by spreading word about your business to their friends and families.
Given the importance of these customers to your business it is imperative that you take good care of them and give them special treatment. These are, after all, the customers that will help you grow your business.
So how do you treat these customers well and pamper them? The key to remember, when taking care of these customers, is to make them feel special. After all, they are kind of special to your business! You should not limit yourself to discount and free products when providing them special treatment; although they are important. You should also think about intangibles such as recognition, appreciation, etc.
Below we have listed several ways by which you can pamper your best customers and make them feel special. Feel free to add your voice in the comment section.

  • Give them recognition at every opportunity.
    These customers want to be recognized that they are special. You should ensure their names are mentioned in any communications you may be putting out to the world. Put their pictures in your store; mention their names in the newsletter, on the web site and so on. Also, ask them for testimonials and put them on your web site, stores, newsletters, etc.
  • Provide them a channel to show support.
    In this age of active consumer participation it is not sufficient for you to recognize them at your convenience. You should create channels for them to be more pro-active and provide their voice. You should leverage social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. where they can interact with other customers and write about your business. It is common for business owners to get concerned that they will lose control over what they will say; but this will happen whether you like it or not. Just look at this news about college student’s complaint against towing company we mentioned in earlier blog post.
  • Constantly seek their feedback.
    Your best customers are the first ones to notice a change or deterioration in your business. Whether it is in terms of lower product quality, bad customer service or poor operations they will be the first ones to know the subtle changes because they are used to seeing the best in your business. That is why they have been coming to you in the first place!! You should proactively get their feedback and suggestions to ensure everything is working fine and to improve upon them.

How about you? What else do you to treat your best customers in a special way.

Image Courtesy:   paul_lowry


  1. […] Not differentiating between “bad” and “good” customers. As any businessmen will tell you not all customers are equally profitable. You have to learn to identify and deal appropriately with “bad” customers. At the same time, you also have to learn to pamper your best customers. […]

  2. […] time without providing adequate return. To make best use of your resources and effort you have to pamper your best customers and let go of “bad” customers, if you must. When you fail to do so you will fail to get the […]

  3. […] by spreading word about your business and products to their friends and families. That’s why it is important to pamper your best customers and introduce new products to them early. Use “freemium” model Technology companies use […]

  4. […] providing excellent customer service. In fact, we have written several posts about it in the past here and here. Where we take issue is when customers start to misuse it. What we have learned from past […]