How to Develop an SEO Friendly Website

SEO is a prominent buzzword these days. It stands for Search Engine Optimization and refers to how well a website is set up for search engines to crawl through. The more SEO-friendly a site is, the easier it is for search engines to find, and the higher it ranks in the organic search results.

As everyone knows, the higher up in the search results you are, the more likely it is you’ll get clicks and see a lot of traffic. Taking all of this into account, how do you develop a site that’s SEO-friendly? Carry on reading to find out:

Make Sure It Functions Perfectly

Functionality is a really key factor with regards to an SEO-friendly site. Every time someone clicks on something, they should get an instant response met with fast loading times. For example, if they click on a menu tab, they should get taken to the relevant page on the first click. Anything less than this and your site isn’t deemed user-friendly, and won’t rank as well.

The only way you’ll achieve peak functionality is by testing your site repeatedly before launch. Keep running tests that involve clicking on everything that’s clickable to ensure it functions properly and you get the desired results. You can even use a test management platform like qTest to keep records of every test you run to ensure you don’t forget to run any. When your site functions properly, and everything is smooth, it will be incredibly user-friendly. Google puts a lot of emphasis on user experience, so this will only make your website more SEO-friendly.

Create A Sitemap

Sitemaps are essential as they provide search engines with an easy way to read your site and find all the pages. Essentially, it’s exactly what its name suggests; a map of your site. It’s a page on your website that includes all the other pages linked to one another in an easy-to-understand manner. Users can also use this to find specific places on your website.

However, it’s mainly used to please search engines and get them crawling freely through all your pages. When a search engine can do this, it will give your rankings a big boost. You can create either an HTML or XML sitemap depending on how elaborate you wish to be.

Use Relevant Keywords

Every search begins with a keyword. Keywords are one of the most important factors regarding SEO and having a site that ranks highly. The theory is that if you want your site, or certain web pages, to rank for a particular keyword, you need to include it on those pages in the key areas that search engines are looking.

Use relevant keywords and put them in your title tags, meta descriptions, URL, headers, and the content itself. This makes your web pages more and more likely to rank highly for the desired keywords.

Developing an SEO-friendly site is a lot easier than you might think. Remember; user experience/functionality, sitemaps, and keywords.


  1. I liked the article. All points which are really matters in terms of SEO. Thanks