Highest Paying Legal Practice Fields for Ambitious Law Students

Ambitious law students want to get into the best colleges. Not only for superior education but to have a great foundation upon starting their careers. Having gone to a renowned college looks fantastic on a resume and gives you the extra edge on entering the career field.

College admissions consultants guide students on standing out amongst thousands of other applicants and help them achieve their educational and career goals. A career in the legal field can be highly rewarding. Discussed are some of the highest paying legal practice fields.

Intellectual Property Lawyers

Intellectual property refers to intangible assets, created through human intellect, which makes them easily susceptible to exploitation by third parties. It encompasses all legislation which concerns patents, copyright protection, trademarks, and designs. It is a rapidly growing area of law due to the constant advancement of technology.

If someone comes up with a brilliant new invention or app but does not register the patent, there is nothing they can do about it if someone else copies their idea and markets it themselves. This is where the intellectual property lawyer steps in. It is a lucrative field of law, with attorneys typically earning a median salary of $131,728 per annum.

Tax Attorneys

Tax attorneys are lawyers who specialize in the complex and technical field of tax law. These professionals handle the technical and legal issues associated with the tax, which they provide a vital service both to individuals and businesses. Tax attorneys earn typically between$167,359 and $222,087 per annum.

Trial Attorneys

Many aspiring law students want to become trial attorneys. They are attracted to the glamour and prestige that many prominent trial lawyers portray. A trial lawyer argues their client’s case in front of a judge or jury.

In addition to having extensive and comprehensive knowledge of the law, they need to have excellent orator skills as well. Confidence in front of crowds and public speaking skills are essential. The average trial attorney earns $121,733 per annum, with some earning up to $249,500.

Medical Lawyers

A medical lawyer is a type of lawyer that handles various medical lawsuits and deals with medical malpractice claims, as they need to have extensive knowledge of medical laws and standards.

Also, they require comprehensive understandings of the guidelines that govern the ethical and professional conduct in the medical field. They are amongst the best paid legal professionals, with the average salary being $150,881 per annum. Medical lawyers working with specialty hospitals typically earn even more.

Real Estate Attorneys

Real estate attorneys specialize in legal matters of properties. This ranges from the marketing of properties to the settling of disputes between parties. They prepare and review all documents that are required and signed at the closing of a real estate purchase.

They are present at the finish to represent their client’s interests. The average salary for real estate lawyers is $118,00 per annum, with those working in a large firm or becoming a partner, receiving higher earnings.