7 Tactics You Can Use to Increase E-Commerce Sales

Are you wondering how you can increase ecommerce sales? If so, you’re in the right place. In this post, we take a look at some of the tried and tested tactics experts use to drive revenues and conversions. Here’s what to do:

  1. Build Email Lists

If you’re not building your email list yet, you should be. Building your email list and getting good at email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to drive sales at low cost.

Remember, customers appreciate businesses that provide them with value. So they don’t always view marketing emails as annoying spam. Instead, they actually want content and offers that benefit them. Provide compelling reasons to purchase from you while maintaining your margins at the same time.

  1. Test to Increase Your Conversion Rate

Optimising conversion rates is somewhat of a dark art. You never quite know what changes are going to lead to an uptick in sales.

That’s why experts recommend testing everything. Even if something seems neither here nor there, such as your website’s background colors, see whether changing it makes a difference to sales. Optimise your conversion funnels and checkout systems. You can learn more about merchant service accounts here.

  1. Leverage Data

If you have the ability to collect data, leverage it. Doing so will allow you to better target customers and make more sales.

For instance, sometimes your data might tell you that reducing the size of your catalogue boosts productivity. It might also provide more data on how you should segment emails and social outreach depending on the type of customer you want to target.

  1. Develop Buyer Personas

Developing buyer personas might sound basic, but it is essential for finding out who your customers actually are. It is one of the only tools available that gives you an accurate perception of who you serve.

Thanks to the ultra-politicisation of the modern mind, buyer personas are more critical than ever. Statements that might delight one group of people could horrify another. Brands that are able to tap into parallel economies can be highly successful, but only if they address the correct people. Getting it wrong could be a disaster.

  1. Improve Your Customer Service

In ecommerce, nothing is more critical than customer service. How you serve people is ultimately what determines if they continue coming back to you or not. Many shoppers want to be able to email you questions and chat to staff. They also want you to treat them like VIPs and provide rapid delivery if it is available.

  1. Make Your Shipping More Competitive

You can also try making your shipping more competitive. The cheaper and faster you can dispatch goods, the better it is all-round for your enterprise. If you have spare investment funds, this should be a top priority.

  1. Make Your Promotions Strategic

If you notice that you’re overstocked on a particular SKU, then make it a part of your promotion. Offer customers a free item when they spend a certain amount. This helps to drive sales and increases transaction value.