How to Generate and Convert More Leads to improve your B2B Sales

Marketing leads are the life blood of any business. They provide new customers who can provide additional revenue stream for you in the future. Think of your sales strategy as a funnel. You have to continuously feed the top of the funnel with leads and curate those leads to ensure that you get new customers and sales at the bottom of the funnel. How you replenish the top of the funnel, and how you convert those leads into sales determines the success of your business. That’s why it is very important for any business-to-business company to pay attention to lead generation and conversion to be successful. Below we provide insights into how to achieve it.

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5 Easy Hacks to Ramp Up Your Lead Generation Plan This New Year

Lead generation is perhaps the most significant part of running a business because it gets the money flowing. Every time you generate a quality lead, you get a shot at conversion, which brings revenues and profits to your company. It also gives you a loyal customer if your product and service are good enough. But most brands struggle to define a viable lead generation process. Even if they manage to put one into action, they end up taking a set-and-forget approach.

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3 Ways You Can Avoid Marketing to Unqualified Leads

A business with universal appeal is hard to find –– especially in today’s environment. Even the most wildly successful brands on the planet such as McDonald’s, Google, Apple, Amazon (etc.) have plenty of detractors. And while small businesses should definitely seek to expand their customer base, marketing to unqualified leads (AKA people who are not interested in your product) is not a good idea. In fact, marketing strategies that fail to generate qualified leads are largely counterproductive. Here, we’ll explain how marketers can avoid wasting time with unqualified leads and make better use of their time:

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8 Lead Generation Tactics To Fill Up Your Sales Funnel

Lead generation is one of the most impactful ways to grow your customer base and boost profits. However, businesses tend to get tunnel vision when trying to generate leads.

Have sales plateaued? Do you want to take your business to the next level? Than it’s time to implement more lead generation tactics to make it happen.

You could have a product that is so revolutionary, that everyone on the planet needs one. But without supercharged lead generation, no one will know about it, you’ll have no one to nurture, and you may join the 50 percent of small businesses and startups that fail within five years.

But there is a way. The following 8 lead generation tactics are easy, and you can use all of them to get a spike in revenue. Let’s dive in!

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3 Ways Telemarketing Can Benefit Business Owners

Sometimes using telemarketing services to help boost sales may seem like an expensive and time-consuming task, however the benefits can be really rewarding.  Immediately people have some negative filters applied when they think of telemarketing as they have thoughts of getting a call at 5pm when they are just about to have their dinner with someone calling their home, disturbing them and wanting to sell on a product they are not interested in.  My advice to these people who do not want to be contacted in this way is to contact the Telephone Preference Agency and register their home number.  By doing that all companies are legally obliged to ensure your telephone number is not included in their list to contact.  If they fail to comply to this then there can be significant consequences and fines for the company if reported.  Below are some tips on how to select a telemarketing service provider but also some of the advantages:

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3 Ways Lead Generation Companies have Reinvented Direct Mail

Is your marketing department making the most out of direct mail to generate outbound leads? Digital marketing seems to have taken the spotlight from traditional forms of outbound lead generation, but traditional outbound lead strategies work, often more effectively than digital marketing. Lead generation companies are at the forefront of reinventing outbound lead strategies, from telesales to direct mail. The main difference between outbound B2B lead generation today and the past is more access to data. A successful lead generation company does its research, finds your target audience, and discovers what that audiences responds to. Insightful, researched campaigns have higher response rates, but what are today’s lead generation companies doing with direct mail that works so effectively?

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Top 5 Telemarketing Mistakes Every Business Must Avoid

Top Five Telemarketing Mistakes Every Business Must Avoid
Few professions are hated with as much passion as telemarketing. Even businesses hate receiving sales calls, and for good reason. The marketing or sales call is an interruption – usually with the intent of selling something that the business never asked for. Many businesses fail to understand this and continue to rely on old tactics of business telemarketing to increase their sales. So, how do you switch from becoming an unwanted pest to a welcomed guest? Stop making the same mistakes that everyone else is making.

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