Top Retirement Tips for Small Business Owners

When the time finally comes to look back on the business you’ve worked so hard to build, it can be tough to say goodbye, especially when it’s an intrinsic part of your life. Retirement isn’t the end. However, it’s the beginning of a wonderful new journey, one that you need to prepare for if you aim to make the most out of it.

Your golden years can be extremely fulfilling, and if you’re lucky enough to reach them as a proud business owner, you have a chance to place your hard work in the hands of another, building upon the foundations you constructed. Retirement is a complex beast – it can be tranquil, serene, exciting, boring, expensive, and confusing all at the same time. Here are some tips to help you prepare yourself and your business for a bright future.

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How the COVID Pandemic Has Affected US Pension Industry

The COVID pandemic has impacted the economy on a global scale and transformed our world as we once knew it. But one of the hardest-hit sectors was and still is the US pension industry. As well as halting retirement plans, it has also forced a growing number of retirees to freeze or lower their retirement age just to get by. Continue reading to familiarize yourself with the different ways in which the ongoing COVID pandemic has affected the US pension industry.

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Top 3 Tips to Plan for a Stress Free Retirement

Retirement planning is equivalent to starting a business. You need to know about when to start, how much money do you need, what is your priority and what type of investments will be helpful?

Ideally, the idea usually revolves around investing more aggressively when you’re young. Then you must dial back to a mix of conservative strategies when approaching retirement age. Whatever be the case, your retirement planning holds importance in saving enough income for your golden years.

So, here are some tips to achieve the target for a stress free retirement.

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5 Strategies to Lucratively Invest Your Retirement Savings

Have you started planning for your retirement? Most people are firm believers in building and growing their nest eggs to secure their futures. Others who live in the moment prefer spending their income on meaningful experiences and traveling.

Aging is a natural, biological process. There comes a time in everyone’s life when working every day 9 to 5 is no longer possible. People harbor unique risk factors for various illnesses, and while some enjoy healthy aging, others experience cognitive decline or diabetes.

Regardless, retirement comes with reduced earning capacity and increasing expenses, particularly medical bills. Unless you want to depend on your children and family members, how do you intend to manage these expenses? Or perhaps you’re not thinking about your post-retirement income and expenses at all.

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5 Steps to a Secure Retirement Plan for Business Owners

When you’re planning for how you’ll manage your finances when you’re retired you can’t be hasty. Retirement planning is perhaps a multistep process, and it evolves with time.

That being said, retirement planning for the service class and business owners is not the same. In most cases, the service class receives provident or pensions when they retire. But, not the business owners.

Another difference is the fact that business owners still own a share or a portion of their business when they retire. This makes it more complicated for business owners to choose the right retirement plan.

Nevertheless, we have broken it down into 5 easy steps. You can follow these steps to find a retirement plan for when you’re no longer employed.

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A practical Guide to Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners

couple on the beach
You have put your heart, soul and most of your money into your startup, and nothing you envision could make you walk away from its success. But, no matter how much you love your company, no matter how passionate you are about your products or services; there will come a time when the prospect of retirement begins to look really attractive. Unlike your employees, you may not have given much thought to retirement planning. In fact, a recent survey showed that as many as 70% of self-employed individuals aren’t adequately saving for retirement, and 28% have no retirement plan at all. No matter how lucrative your company becomes, it’s on you to come up with a retirement nest-egg for yourself as a hedge against an unknown economic future.

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Boost Your Retirement Security with Single-Premium Immediate Annuities

Many investors lost a great deal of money in the recent recession, and some, unfortunately, saw their retirement portfolios dwindle to almost nothing. Many who are at or near retirement age are looking to rebuild through safer investments. Now, there are number of ways in which you can ensure the safety of your investments. You can park your money under the mattress, put it in money market fund or invest in US bonds. One of the investment vehicles that has gained popularity in the recent past is annuities. But are annuities the answer? Many investors are still somewhat uncertain about what annuities are and if annuities are the answer to the safety of retirement savings. To clear the confusion here is a simple guide to annuity.

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A Simple 2-Step Approach to Ensure Financially Secure Retirement

Nearly half of all American workers don’t contribute to their 401(k) contributions, which would then be matched by their employer dollar for dollar. This is leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s a sad situation because people who work hard to earn their leaving deserve to have a nice retirement. Think about it! How hard do you work everyday, spend long hours at job at the expense of family, and ensure you have good life now and in the future. But if you don’t start saving early and continue to do so through your earning years you might miss out on the opportunity to have financially secure retirement. So how can you make people remember to save for retirement?

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How Far can a Million Take You Today?

How far can a million take you today
A million pounds earned today is not the same as what it used to be a decade ago. The definition of “rich” is constantly changing. In the mid 1990s you could be considered “rich” if you had million pounds. Today, you are not “rich” with million pounds of total worth. You are just “well-off.” You might be able to retire comfortably, but you will not be able to send your kids to college, and you will still have to make plans for your long-term healthcare needs, depending on where you live.

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