Importance of Health and Safety Measures in Business

Business Lawsuit
Over time, there is a sense that the UK has developed something of a compensation culture in the workplace. This has emerged at a time when there has been increased focus on health and safety, as regulatory bodies continue to drive compliance and force employers to create a safe working environment. According to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, as employees have become more aware of the health and safety compliance a minority have capitalised on workplace accidents in order to claim financial compensation.

The Importance of Health and Safety and the Need for Balance
The definition of the word ‘accident’ is pivotal in this scenario, as it is important to make a distinction between incidents that arise as a result of employer negligence and those that are the fault of the individual. After all, it cannot be denied that health and safety regulations serve a crucial purpose in the modern workplace, as they aim to create a comfortable and viable environment for staff members. When individuals are injured because employers fail to protect their staff or refuse to comply with health and safety regulations, it is only right that they should be able to claim financial compensation and minimise the physical impact of their accident.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling understands this, and his recent comments were aimed at the development of a ‘compensation culture’ in the UK and a select few employees who have made successful claims even though they have been in the wrong. Grayling has pledged to target these individuals, and adopt a tougher line on accidents and workplace compensation claims where employers have taken necessary steps to comply with national laws. This will not only ensure that all genuine claims are given the attention that they deserve, but it will also force employees to take responsibility for their actions in the workplace and respect the company that they represent.

The Last Word
A crackdown on erroneous lawsuits will also incentivise the implementation of health and safety regulations in the workplace, as employers can take solace in the fact that they will not be punished if they comply with the law. So whether they are looking to refine an operational process or organise the removal of harmful asbestos from an existing workplace, they can invest freely with the knowledge that this will deliver a definitive return with minimal risk.