Infographic: How to Land your Dream Job by Creating an Effective Career Portfolio

Job Search
Do you have a career portfolio? Believe it or not, many people don’t. If this doesn’t alarm you, it should, because a well-organized career portfolio can make the difference between being hired for the job, or having your resume tossed in the trash bin. For this very reason, career portfolios are rising in popularity – and fast.

You may be thinking that portfolios are only for artists, but that’s far from the truth. Modern job recruiters and personnel directors are bombarded with online resumes and profiles. For them, a well-organized portfolio is the calling card of an exceptional job candidate, because it is physical proof of their skills and talents. A nicely-gathered portfolio that illustrates all of your accomplishments and achievements, all in one place, shows you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This infographic is great for getting ready to land your dream job. Consider exploring other dream job guides to really hone in your skills.

So, what is a career portfolio, and how do you put one together? Learn what documentation to include, and in what sequence, too. Once complete, you’ll be armed with physical proof that you are prepared for the interview and can contribute many strong skills to the company. Not only that, bringing a portfolio with you into an interview will give you a much-needed boost of confidence, because you’ll have all your information at your fingertips. You won’t have to worry about a memory lapse due to nerves.

By proving you have the necessary skills to do the job, you can shorten your job search significantly. Have you ever left an interview, only to realize you forgot to include a crucial detail? Your career portfolio can help jog your memory, so you don’t leave out anything important to the interviewer.

Find out how to put it all together in a neat package that will look so impressive, you’ll want to put a bow on it. Nowadays, it takes a little something special to get you noticed in the crowd of other applicants. With you portfolio in hand, you’ve got that extra push to get your foot in the door. No one knows when they’ll be out of a job these days. Job security is a thing of the past, so provide yourself with some peace of mind by constructing your career portfolio. You’ll thank yourself later.

Effective Career Portfolio


Source: The PaperWorker