How to Boost Corporate Events with Selfie Frames

Hosting or attending a corporate event can make a huge difference to brand awareness, attracting new clients and high-performing employees that otherwise may not have known about your company. Obviously, you want everyone to enjoy themselves, but it’s often difficult to do so when the event appears formal and ‘business-only’. So, what can you do to liven up a corporate gathering?

How about selfie frames? Fun, cost-effective and on-trend, these essential party pieces are growing in popularity when it comes to organised events — but why, and how can they benefit your next work event?

Selfie frames are excellent at bringing crowds together in a fun and informal manner — a major advantage at work parties where staff might not get many opportunities to socialise with each other outside of work.

You’ve possibly seen lots of uploads of selfie frames on your Facebook, but they’re not just for casual social events. Selfie frames are great crossover products, aimed at business gatherings just as much as family occasions. No matter what the theme, a selfie frame has a place, and guests can use them to interact with each other, or even members of the public and potential clients at conferences! In short, they are a great way to break the ice with style and personality.

It’s a great idea for companies to opt for a customised frame featuring their brand logo at a special corporate event — this way, you can spread what you do across social media. If you get these photos shared multiple times, you could attract a pool of new prospective employees too!

Cost-effective entertainment
Whether it’s a work party or an annual corporate event, it’s important that you make people feel comfortable and able to chat with each other if you want to make progress. However, this costs money. If you’re organising an event on a budget, choosing a few selfie frame templates can help to get everyone mingling without over-spending.

Often, you get free customisation with your purchase when you order selfie frames — even better for your company’s budget.

Mark a special event creatively
You might be looking for new ways to signal a special anniversary — why not do it with a selfie frame? Is it your brand’s birthday, or have you had you most successful year to date? Whatever the occasion, customising a selfie frame to shout about it is a lovely touch for your staff to enjoy.

Handy networking tool

We don’t have to tell you how tough it can sometimes be to network at corporate events. It can be daunting — then there’s all the new faces you have to remember! So, make it easier for yourself by getting a selfie frame. Selfie frame photos not only encourage guests and team members to join together and acquire new connections — like a business card for the 21st century — but they can help you to remember who was there on the day and perhaps even make connections on LinkedIn or similar platforms.

Social media-friendly
In 2018, it’s critical that you have an engaging and notable presence on digital platforms — mostly social media. Plus, there’s something about selfie frame images that people really engage with — great news if you want to get your logo or corporate event on social media to spread awareness!

Nowadays, it’s all about uploading, liking, sharing, and retweeting — don’t miss the boat! By sharing selfie frame photos on your company’s social media channels, you’re showing your followers how important employee morale and building a sociable team is to your brand. You’ll also be advertising the theme of your event — advantageous if you’ve made amazing profits or won a great partnership deal. Remember, even if some staff don’t upload selfie frame images themselves, they’ll likely be tagged in them by other people. Essentially, these images could significantly increase the possibility of attracting new business or employee interest.
Browse your selfie frame options today to take advantage on this fun and cheap new trend.