How Lone Worker Solutions Can Reduce Insurance Premiums

Keeping employees safe on the job is the best way to reduce your company’s insurance premiums. The fewer workplace injuries that occur, the lower your premiums will be. Also, if an injury does occur, getting the employee back on the job quickly will help you keep your premiums from going up too much. Lone worker solutions are necessary if you are serious about reducing your premiums. Find how these solutions will keep your lone workers safe and your premiums low.

Constant Monitoring

Some lone worker solutions include constant monitoring of employees. Operators monitor lone workers and provide support as needed. If the employee is in a dangerous situation, the operator notifies the authorities. Also, if a worker is injured, the operator sends help out there quickly. This helps prevent countless injuries. When an injury does occur, the severity can be reduced due to the quick action. Be sure to include one of these devices in your safety plan to protect your employees and reduce your insurance premiums.

Risk Sharing

Lone workers encounter a variety of risks when on the job site. Without lone worker solutions in place, employees are not able to share these risks with others who might come in behind them. Mobile lone worker devices allow for easy tagging and sharing of risks. Identifying and sharing risks greatly reduces the occurrence of injuries, which directly impacts your insurance premiums.

GPS Tracking

Far too many companies let their employees go from one location to the next without monitoring. If an employee is injured, the company might have a hard time locating him or her. This could turn a minor injury into a serious one due to the passage of time. Mobile lone worker devices often include GPS monitoring, so you can follow your employees from one location to the next. If an employee seems to be in one spot for too long, you can check in and make sure everything is OK. This makes it much easier to respond to situations in a timely fashion.

Live Video

Lone workers might work on their own, but they occasionally encounter other people. While most of these encounters are benign, dangerous situations do occur from time to time. If your employee is attacked on a job site, your insurance premiums can go up, especially if you can’t prove what happened. Consider one of the lone worker solutions with video monitoring, so you can watch situations as they unfold. This will provide you with proof of what happened and also allow you to deescalate the situation before it gets out of hand.

Protect Your Employees and Reduce Premiums

Lone worker solutions can help you reduce your premiums while protecting your employees. Look at the various solutions available and pick one that will keep your employees safe at all times. Then, you won’t have to worry about high insurance premiums, lawsuits, or unhappy employees. You will find that when you protect your employees, you also protect your bank account and your reputation.