What Does a Town Planner Do?

Have you ever considered building your own home? What about putting a sizeable renovation on your existing home? If so then there’s a good chance you may run into what’s called a town planner. For those working in the construction and building industry, town planners are some of the most diverse people out there, and can save not just the homeowner but property builders/developers a whole lot of headaches when it comes to construction projects.

So, what exactly is a town planner and what do they do? Let’s answer that question.

The Town Planner – the Jack of All Trades

You’ve probably heard of the saying before where a person is a “Jack of All Trades”, meaning they don’t just specialise in one thing. Rather, they have all kinds of different skills and knowledge. This is a great way to explain what a town planner does, as they are a true Jack of All Trades. Town planners are part lawyer, part surveyor, and part designer. That’s a pretty diverse mix within the construction and building industry, but as you can tell these are skills that are incredibly important to have.

Today, when a homeowner or builder wants to build from scratch or undertake some pretty major structural issues, they need to create their plan and then take it to the town council to seek approval. If the council turns them down, the work is unable to proceed. In other words, that plan needs to be exactly what council will approve of. And, here’s the thing – it’s not exactly easy to make sure all the little details are covered in your plan, as the council will be looking at things that builders may not have even thought of.

Enter in the town planner to essentially save the project. The town planner will work on the plans to make sure that they are not only adequate, but will be approved by city council without any hesitation. They know everything there is about the survey that needs to be done, how to design the structure so that it fits with what council expects and then, because they are also part lawyer, they are also aware of all the legal requirements when it comes to building.

Town planners are meant to take stress and worry off the shoulders of builders and homeowners, and ensure all goes smoothly from start to finish in terms of the approval process.

Who Does a Town Planner Work For?

So who do these town planners work for? Well it’s not unusual for them to work in the public sector, but what may surprise is the fact they are often found in the private sector too. This makes it possible for individuals, or construction companies to hire them on a per project basis if they like.

Town Planners – the Unsung Workers

At the end of the day, town planners often think of themselves as the unsung workers in the building and construction industry, as not everyone is aware of them and what they do. But, in reality, they play a huge role in how a city or town will look.