10 Reasons You Need a Land Surveyor to Bridge Link Between Design and Construction

Whether you are looking to build your new business headquarters you have been saving up to bring to life or are looking for the perfect location for new sewage line, a survey of the land and information about the area you wish to work with are essential to ensuring the structural integrity and legality of any project that you may wish to pursue.

It may seem like a lot of work but with the right contractor and an understanding of why you need a land surveyor all that stands between you and your dream build is a few phone calls and the extent of your imagination.

  1. Zoning Restrictions

Zoning is the process of determining the restrictions and regulations placed on an area of land that determines what it can and cannot be used for. For example, some areas have zoning restrictions that forbid the building of infrastructure that would interfere with wildlife reserves and would make it illegal for certain entities to build within that area. When choosing an area of land, ensure that you find a land surveyor with experience in the types of construction that is allowed in the area you plan on building on to prevent legal repercussions. Issues with zoning restrictions can lead to the demise of entire companies and should never be overlooked during the planning phase.

  1. Legal Understanding

On the topic of legality, one of the biggest issue’s companies face when deciding to build new infrastructure is breaking a building code they didn’t even realize existed. When deciding to build in an area, make sure that a government recognized survey is being conducted to the standards of your regional laws. With so many laws and regulations, it is impossible for you to have a complete understanding alone, so leave it to the experts. With certifications and government backing, the strongest firms have strong relationships with government entities that recognize the surveyors’ commitment to the law.

  1. Seeing the unseen

To the naked eye, running a pipeline through a flat piece of land may seem like an easy task, but what lies beneath the surface is often what destroys an entire project. With the latest is mapping technology and the ability to understand how a network of civil projects will fit together, land surveying companies are able to see the full picture of an area and use their equipment plot out the best areas to place the framework for your project. Groups such as Cochran engineering are able to do things like offering a municipal contract that is able to map out multiple areas of a municipal areas with precision and expert level detail to ensure quality no matter the project.

  1. Tracking Assets

When you are planning to construct and commission a large project or set of projects, all the specifics that must go into planning various aspects of a project can become overwhelming and a liability if you are unable to track them all accurately. Fortunately, a professional surveying company can track your assets for you and make sure that the technicalities of your project do not become a burden and are available for later use if you decide to sell your property down the line. With vast records of the completion of your project, the firm you work with be able to trace back what went in to completing your project and how it was constructed to give potential buyers a look into what went in to bringing their future investment to life.

  1. Prior Connections

Attempting to make a deal with a construction or design firm alone is often a very difficult process and it is often the case that these companies will not accept your proposal without prior conformation that the land you wish to build on was not professionally surveyed and deemed useable. When you utilize the services of a well-regarded and reputable surveying company it is often the case that they have many connections with other corporations that may be able to provide floor plans, materials, or even marketing groups who will all be able to work together with you to ensure that you are receiving the quality of work you deserve.

  1. Past-Project Evaluation

If you are not looking for a survey to evaluate whether or not land may be viable for a future project, it can always be valuable to have a survey taken of your land to make sure it is in correspondence and up to date with current zoning laws and is operating in accordance with local law. As with any aspect of a business or property ownership, legal issues are often a result of unknown factors that can often be overlooked with updated laws that no common person would ever even consider having to work around. Luckily, the experts who deal with surveying and evaluating completed projects will be more than willing to work with you again after a satisfactory job to ensure that your infrastructure is complying with new and evolved laws that they are aware of and are making sure their projects are in compliance with.

  1. Asset Value Evaluation

Alongside being able to determine the current legality of a building or project, land surveyors will also be able to determine how well a property as held value and has fluctuated due to various and niche factors that would never come to mind when considering your own properties value such as piping quality and area infrastructure that has been altered. Having a professional who is able to determine the complete value of your assets unlike any other makes them invaluable when you are trying to sell or determine the accurate and current value of your assets to offer peace of mind on what matters to you most.

  1. Big Picture Vision

When planning out a large scale project, such as a business or residential area, it can get very exciting to start planning which stores to have and how many housing units you want place; however, with all of the excitement it can be easy to slip up and over-plan an area to be designed in a manner that is not actually feasible to construct or may not comply with the area’s building codes which would result in a hefty amount of expenses and legal issues that you would be forced to deal with. The firms that have dealt with large scale projects before will alternatively understand the aspirations of an excited buyer and be able to give them a realistic and wholistic understanding of what the land and restrictions allow for. Many civil engineers will be thankful and require a survey before considering projects and having a reputable company with an accurate survey will save time and money down the road.

  1. Saves money and creates interest

With the cost of construction already being high, having to worry about paying for extra services only adds to the price tag of a new property. Many companies unjustly charge for time-based services due to the inconvenience it may cause to them especially if it is not a field that they are specialists in like land surveying. With an independent survey prior to the bid for a construction job, you will not only save money from the company who is actually building the unit, but the job will be conducted by a group who has a prior reputation of doing their one job very well and to higher standard than a company that adds an extra inconvenience tax onto their price tag for a questionable survey. Alongside having a greater knowledge of the process and allowing an overall cost savings, having a professional survey completed on your land, the professional job will promote interest and a better view of your land assets as people become aware of the care you put in to making sure your property would be plotted out and surveyed correctly.

  1. Allow for future projects

To build a small housing residence is one thing, but expanding it into a bigger area with roads, restaurants, and parks is a large and expensive task. Planning out the locations of the new assets is easy enough for a construction company, but having a company who can also survey the area to make sure the new infrastructure will fit is an invaluable resource. The companies that can understand the records of past surveys and plan out new ones will provide information and guidance to anyone looking to expand and grow their investments. A fully integrated company, such as the firm Cochran engineering, can find the perfect harmony between outstanding surveying and building to ensure that any projects now or in the future are well rounded and built to last.


With so much on the line when plotting and conceptualizing a new building project, it can feel overwhelming to even the most experienced real-estate planners. With the expert guidance and attention to detail of land surveyors, all it takes to turn your vision into reality is the motivation and desire for excellence.