What Should You Look for When Selecting Industrial Mixers?

Industrial mixers are specialized equipment used for number of applications in variety of industries to mix powders, granules, liquids and so on. These equipment require special knowhow and engineering capabilities to ensure they perform their intended task as expected. The manufacturers of these mixers need to have patented design, excellent production capability and high level of quality control for them to be able to deliver the performance. There are certain capabilities you should look for when searching for the company that builds these mixers. Below we describe 5 such characteristics.

  1. Performance – For industrial mixers to deliver as expected they have to provide the guaranteed performance. These are very expensive equipment. Getting the optimum performance out of these machines ensures that you are getting desired Return on Investment (ROI) from them.
  2. Reliability – You cannot afford to have downtime in your plant when the customers are expecting you to deliver the products on a timely basis. The downtime of even an hour can result in significant financial loss for your business, not to mention having to answer unhappy customers. Reliability of rotary drum mixers, for example, is very important when you are mixing powders, granules or other bulk products.
  3. Flexibility – While industrial mixers are produced to handle certain jobs, they should be flexible enough to take care of changing conditions or variety of input materials. For example, the producer of the standard mixers should be able to customize it to handle specific requirements of the atex mixer to work in explosive atmosphere.
  4. Scalability – The industrial mixers should be able to scale to meet your needs as your business grows. As we mentioned earlier these are expensive machines and you cannot afford to throw them away in few years so that you can handle growing business. The mixers that are scalable will enable you to get the most out of them without having to spend large amount of money every few years.
  5. Cleanability – The industrial mixers operate in very harsh environment and deal with messy substances. You should be able to clean and tune them periodically without having to dismantle the entire unit. You should also be able to do it in a short amount of time so that the downtime is limited.

Industrial mixers are expensive units. You should pay careful attention to these characteristics before spending large amount of money on them. Hope this guide will help you choose the best ones and get most out of them.