Physical Safety Advice for Business Reopening in the New Normal

Reopening in the new normal brings a host of challenges for business owners. Keeping your employees, customers, and visitors safe from the virus is likely to be your top priority. Besides ensuring healthy premises, virus-safety measures are crucial from the compliance perspective. But spending all your energy on pandemic precautions means you may miss on the physical safety of your business. However, no organization should overlook security as valuable assets, cash, people, and data are at stake. Going lax means you put a lot at risk, and a security threat is the last thing you will want to deal with in pandemic times. Here is the best advice you can follow to keep your premises safe while reopening.

Inspect the premises

If your building has been vacant for some time, you must invest in an inspection before reopening. It is essential to address any damage before calling back your employees again. Start by looking for the signs of vandalism and trespassing with a perimeter inspection. Also, check for signs of pest infestations, electrical damage, fire hazards, and structural issues. An unoccupied place may have physical risks, so cover them before returning.

Close the gaps

An inspection gives you a fair idea of the damage to your property. Leaving things to chance opens the business to the risk of break-ins and accidents. Make sure you close all the gaps, structural, electrical, or security-related. It is best to seek professional help for repairs and fresh installations. Even small gaps can offer a significant opportunity for an attacker, so make sure that you close them completely.

Collaborate with a security service

Securing your business by collaborating with a professional is a worthy investment. Consider getting uniformed security as a part of the reopening plan. You may need to do it even more if you deal in high-value assets and products like jewelry and cash. Businesses having expensive and confidential data on-premises should also have uniformed guards around. Besides securing your place, the measure dissuades criminals from even trying to attack.

Implement security policies

Reworking your security policies is a good way to deal with the threats in the new normal. Right now, risks abound for businesses as they have to stay safe from burglars, internal threats, and viruses. Implementing a quality security policy that covers all these fronts can enhance the safety of your business. You can rethink additional measures and include them in your policy. Ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page so that they do their bit to prevent threats and risks.

Build a security-conscious culture

Beyond taking day-to-day measures to secure your business, you must have a long-term vision in mind. Everything boils down to building a security-conscious culture for your organization. Employee training and awareness give you a good start. Background checks and drug screenings should be a part of the recruitment process. You can go the extra mile by partnering with a professional service provider.

The safety of your business should always be a concern, but you need to be extra vigilant while reopening. Implement these measures and stay a step ahead of the threats, and you will not have to worry about threats again.