6 Essential Benefits of Business Intelligence in a Modern Company

Today we are living in a digital-first world that centers around customers. As a result of this, businesses around the world in the majority of industries are collecting more data than ever before, leaving business owners and managers faced with a data overload. There is a growing need for new ways to get more control, insights, and understanding from the data that is collected by organizations.

One of the best solutions to this increasingly growing issue is for companies to adopt a business intelligence strategy. However, the reality is that many companies have been quite slow in doing this, mostly down to a lack of knowledge about what is involved, how to get started, and which strategies to use to see benefits.

The truth is that today, in a world that is becoming increasingly reliant on data, business intelligence is no longer an optional part of a business – it should be one of the most crucial aspects. If you are looking for new ways to get a better understanding of and make more use of the data that your company collects, these are some of the main ways that business intelligence is beneficial to businesses of all sizes and in all industries around the world.

  1. Smarter Business Decisions

Whether you own or run your own business or are working for an organization in a managerial position, it is important that you understand what the data the company collects is telling you. A business intelligence strategy within an organization has the main goal of ensuring that company owners, managers, and business intelligence leaders can convert the data and information that is collected into structured and actionable insights that can be used to inform and drive data-driven, strategic decision making in every aspect of the business. Data-driven, up-to-date intelligence at your fingertips will not only help you make better business decisions that relate to every department, but will often lead to more revenue, profit, and better financial performance. This blog post on how business intelligence defines organizational strategies can offer useful insights to business intelligence leaders.

It is important to set up one centralized repository that gathers all the data available on your business activities and customer interactions. This will help you make more intelligent and data-driven decisions. Typically, this is done with the use of a customer relationship management (CRM) system, which plays an invaluable role in your business intelligence strategy. A high-quality CRM system that is implemented well in your business will allow you to run a variety of reports that allow you to get a better understanding of important company metrics including sales cycles, employee performance, core customers, customer product preferences, productivity, market trends, and more. As a result, you are in a better position to evaluate what your business does well along with being able to easily identify the areas where improvements or adjustments need to be made to achieve better performance.

  1. Better Sales and Marketing Outcomes

Using a business intelligence strategy in your organization will deliver a more in-depth analysis of consumer behavior and your target market. As a result, this can then be used to make improvements to sales performance and get better outcomes with your various marketing strategies. Even more importantly, a good business intelligence program can also be useful in helping you improve collaboration between sales and marketing teams, helping them work better together to achieve better outcomes.

In the sales department, for example, providing the tools required to measure activity and identify various consumer behavior trends is essential for making sure that all approaches are strategic. It will also help sales professionals make sure that all opportunities for selling, cross-selling, or up-selling are not missed and are taken advantage of. When you use data to get a more detailed insight into the sales process within your organization, you can use this to improve a range of different factors including forecasting, work scheduling, and process analysis.

For marketing, on the other hand, a good business intelligence strategy will provide this department with better sales information visibility. Marketers can then put this to use to improve and more accurately target marketing campaigns in the future. Today you can access a range of different business intelligence tools that offer a wide range of features that you can use to track and measure each marketing campaign that you run. Once the information has been gathered and analyzed, you can use it to make sure that future marketing campaigns and initiatives are designed with this in mind, improving their effectiveness and profitability.

  1. Better Customer Knowledge

These days, it’s never been more important to get to know your customers on a deeper level and gain a solid understanding of how they interact with your business. This has become one of the biggest driving factors behind the need for good business intelligence professionals, programs, and tools. In today’s modern, customer-focused business world, interaction and engagement with customers is more important than it has ever been. Marketing to your customers has become much more about building a strong relationship with them and appealing to them as individual people, rather than simply talking about how great your product is and why they should buy it. Modern customers are much more likely to buy from a brand that they feel understands them well and that they can personally relate to.

Business intelligence can be used to help your company develop a deeper understanding of your customers, how to reach them, and how they are likely to respond to various different marketing and engagement strategies. Today, people are becoming more and more resistant to old-fashioned selling techniques, which has, in turn, become a major challenge for companies around the world. Over the past five years or so, the typical customer journey from the first point of interest to making a purchase has drastically changed, with engagement, rather than promoting, becoming the main factor involved in the process. Today, successful businesses tend to have one main thing in common; they are more heavily focused on building strong relationships with their customers and drawing them into the brand by relating to them on a human level rather than the outdated hard selling strategies of the past.

Because of this shift, solutions like customer relationship management have become even more essential to make sure that your company is gathering and analyzing the data that is necessary to make sure that your business can seamlessly adapt. A good CRM will allow you to develop holistic customer profiles based on real interactions that customers have with your business over time and through a range of different communication channels. As a result, your business can gather more detailed insights into customer behavior and trends, which can then be used to improve and adjust your sales, marketing, and business development strategies.

  1. Better Data Security

Determining how your data is stored, where it is stored, and what data is important enough to store are some of the more complex questions that you will face when implementing a business intelligence strategy in your company. Along with this, you will also need to determine who is granted access to the data. Because data is very vulnerable to cyberattacks, companies that decide to implement a business intelligence strategy often find that they also face a requirement to make several improvements to data security. While your company collects data for business intelligence purposes and uses it to make better decisions and learn more about customers, it’s absolutely crucial to make sure that you are compliant with data regulations and have a strong set of security strategies in place to make sure that this customer data is well-protected.

Using a business intelligence strategy can have a positive impact on your business in terms of data security, as it automatically means that changes and improvements will need to be made. Companies that implement a strong business intelligence strategy are often in a better position to protect themselves against data breaches and cyberattacks, and more likely to be in full compliance with the tighter rules and regulations regarding the collection and storage of data around the world. When you collect, analyze, and use customer data in your business, you are required to make sure that the data is stored securely, is up to date, and that your customers are informed as to how you use their data with a clear privacy policy in place. For many companies, adopting new business intelligence methods to put data to better use will often force them to undergo an overhaul of their data collection and storage processes to improve transparency and security.

  1. Improve the Customer Experience

Business intelligence tools are designed to help you get to know your customers on the deeper level that is often needed in an engagement-driven, rather than sales-driven marketing world. The right business intelligence strategies will make it easier for your business to deliver an outstanding level of customer service which is often naturally followed by a better customer experience. When you are gathering and analyzing data on your customers and taking the time to really get to know what they expect, need, or prefer from your brand, you have all the information that you need to make the right changes to what you offer in terms of the customer experience, and know that any changes you make are more likely to be welcomed as they are in line with what your customers are actually looking for. Because of this, using a solid business intelligence strategy allows your company to better meet customer needs, which in turn can lead to better results in many aspects such as improving business reputation, boosting sales, and encouraging customers to be more loyal along with increasing the chance of positive word-of-mouth marketing.

A CRM system is often the key to providing the best level of customer service and experience as it allows you to have immediate access to information about an individual customer. With the right CRM tool, you will be able to explore real-time information on each customer including previous purchases, previous complaints and questions, ongoing service cases, and which point they are at in the sales cycle. As a result of having access to all this information at your fingertips, you may notice that customer satisfaction levels are significantly increased. For example, when a customer contacts your company several times regarding the same issue, no matter who deals with their query, your staff will be able to immediately access their history allowing the customer to get straight to the point without having to repeat themselves and explain the situation every time. This might seem like a small thing, but it is often the small, positive changes such as this that will add up over time and let your customers know that your business cares about making sure that they have the best experience as individuals. As a result, you will create better opportunities for your business to build stronger and more lasting relationships with your customers that are based on mutual respect and trust.

  1. Be More Productive

Last but not least, a solid business intelligence strategy for your company can help to improve your productivity levels in a wide range of areas. Business intelligence strategies allow you to gather data that will ultimately provide your organization with a range of actionable insights that can be put to use to make improvements, and key information on customer relationships and company performance. This makes it easier for you to refine existing business processes, avoid bottlenecks, prioritize the workload more efficiently, and automate more routine tasks, which will lead to more free time for you and your employees to work on the bigger things that matter the most. When a company successfully utilizes business intelligence strategies and methods, it can lead to more responsive and successful customer service, a better use of time for salespeople and customer service agents, and more efficiency with marketing campaigns and product development thanks to clearer insights.

Today, data is increasingly important to companies of all sizes and in all industries around the world. Whether you run or work for a business, there are several ways that you can implement business intelligence strategies to make huge improvements within the organization.