Why Fire Alarm Services Are Necessary for Your Building

Commercial fire alarm systems are integral to a comprehensive life safety solution. They should be checked every week and replaced as necessary. Here are some reasons why fire alarm services are essential for your building.

They are a comprehensive life safety solution

Commercial fire alarm systems are the first step in protecting building occupants. They must be installed and maintained to operate efficiently and safely. An effective fire alarm system can protect lives and property. Not only do fire alarms alert the occupants, but they can also control other building occupants. Many fire alarm companies near me manufacture high-quality commercial fire alarm systems.

They should be checked weekly

Whether you have single or multiple alarm systems in your building, fire alarm services are essential to your overall safety plan. Weekly checks will ensure that all fire alarm components are functioning correctly, including the control panel and standby batteries. Tests should be conducted for each piece as often as possible, and you should document them with a maintenance log. Testing is also essential to ensure that the entire system works well, if not as well as it should.

Typically, fire alarms should be checked once a year, but you should also consider allowing your building’s managers to perform inspections every week. Regular reviews will help catch problems that may go unnoticed, such as batteries that are low or not receiving power. Fire alarms also need regular testing, so check the sensitivity of the smoke detectors. Fire safety professionals will also test the sensitivity of smoke detectors, one of the few fire alarm components that do not require an annual inspection.

They should be replaced

Whether your fire alarms are working correctly or not is an important question to ask. The reliability of your current system will determine which upgrades you should prioritize, and it is essential to work closely with authorities having jurisdiction in your area. Keeping your relationship with your authority up-to-date and avoiding costly mistakes is necessary for your building’s safety. In addition, your design plan should be thorough and ready for acceptance testing.

Nine people don’t know when to replace their fire alarms. Typically, fire alarms should be replaced every ten years or sooner. The ten-year rule is a compromise between safety and cost. Your building’s smoke detectors may be working for twenty years but won’t work after that.

They should be tested

The proper testing of your fire alarm is imperative to prevent a tragedy. A trained technician should perform visual inspections of each system component monthly, quarterly, and yearly. During these visits, trained technicians check the batteries, initiation devices, and control equipment. They will also test smoke detectors, alarm notification appliances, and engine-driven generators. If you do not have the time or staff to perform these inspections, fire alarm services can perform them for you.

Regardless of your property type, fire alarm testing is necessary for various reasons. Annual testing is essential to ensure that your system is working correctly and is meeting insurance requirements. It also helps prevent costly claims in the event of a fire. In addition, having your system inspected by a fire alarm service can help you save money on insurance costs. Finally, if you have an older system, a regular inspection will help ensure it is functioning correctly.