5 Essential Tips to Have High-Quality Video Conference Meetings

Video conferencing increases productivity, saves time, and promotes overall collaboration. The advantage of video conferencing is that it allows all of these benefits to be realized without requiring constant travel for face-to-face communication. Here are the tips to achieve a top-notch video conference meeting.

  1. Preparation in Advance

Before using video conferencing, ensure your system can handle high-quality audio and video. If you’re using a cloud-based conferencing platform, secure your connection speed is adequate. Because internet upload speeds are much slower than download speeds, lags and delays are common during video conference meetings. The lag and delays caused by these issues can be highly frustrating. For smooth virtual meetings, you should invest in high-quality video conference hardware.

  1. Use Natural Light

If you have a video conference room, you should be aware of the amount of light. If there are windows, lamps, or overhead lights in your room, you should position them so that they are not behind your desk. Bright rear lights can also lower the quality of your video and blow out the background, so it is best to position them in different areas of the room. Using natural light can help you get the best picture quality.

You can use a lampshade to soften the light if you don’t have windows. You can also add a diffuser to your lamp to make the light softer and less intense. Moreover, if your video conference room is in a dimly-lit room, use a lamp with a white diffuser to boost the exposure of your face.

  1. Avoid Multitasking

Avoiding multitasking in video conference meetings is vital to the success of the meeting. While switching tasks can be tempting, it can reduce engagement. In addition, studies have shown that many remote workers have difficulty focusing during video conference meetings. For these reasons, it is essential to design a meeting space to minimize distractions. If possible, consider setting up the room with plenty of windows and a split view, as these can decrease multitasking.

One way to avoid multitasking in video conferences is to plan the time of day. The best time to conduct an important meeting is during the morning or early afternoon. Try not to schedule necessary appointments during lunch and shorter the meetings. If you must hold a lengthy discussion, consider adding a short break in the middle.

  1. Use Asynchronous Tools

Setting clear guidelines and boundaries is key to successful asynchronous communication. For example, teams should decide which platforms to use and how long they will wait for answers to questions. In addition, if the meeting is happening in the real world, the participants should be able to see each other’s faces without missing anything. As a result, asynchronous communication can be highly beneficial for teams that frequently work on projects together.

Synchronous video tools are most effective when used by a large group. These are best for large audiences and can be broadcast securely over the internet. Because they allow multiple participants to join the meeting, asynchronous video tools can expand your audience. Using asynchronous tools will allow you to broadcast high-quality video conferences without interruptions. You can also embed your conversations in these conversations, allowing others to view and respond to your ideas.

  1. Create a Conversational Atmosphere

Creating an informal atmosphere for high-quality video conference meetings is crucial to making the meeting a success. Video calls are much more visible than offline meetings, so it’s essential to ensure your face is visible and not lost in the background. If unsure of the best way to ask questions, consider using chat windows to type your questions in.

Here are additional resources you can use for more details.


