3 High-Traffic Directories that Will Publish Your Listing

Part of any good SEO strategy is link building. Link building involves finding other websites to publish links to your website to improve your domain authority. Higher domain authority enhances your chances of ranking for your targeted keywords on the search engines, bringing free organic traffic to your website.

However, any digital marketing manager worth their salt will tell you that link building is one of the most complex parts of their job. Finding websites willing to share a link to your site is challenging, especially in the early days of your site. That’s why many professionals turn to online directories to build credibility.

You can easily create a listing for your business — usually for free — that will help strengthen your brand and may even earn you a link to help establish domain authority.

Here are a few high-traffic directories that can help you boost your online presence in your industry.

  1. Crunchbase

Crunchbase is a directory service that lists relevant information about private and public companies and their founders. You can list your organization on Crunchbase, including pertinent information about its industry, location, and website. If you’re a founder or executive, you can create your own Crunchbase profile, like this one for Cyrus Nikou.

Notice that Mr. Nikou’s profile includes information about the company he founded, his location, and his company’s website. There’s also a link to his LinkedIn page. The information given to Crunchbase adds authority to his company and himself and provides a few backlinks that improve the legitimacy of his website.

  1. Better Business Bureau

If you don’t have a Better Business Bureau (BBB) profile yet, consider setting one up. The BBB serves as a credibility lightning rod for consumers wondering whether they can trust your organization. Interested customers can scroll through your profile, learning whether you’ve received BBB accreditation or have many customer complaints.

Setting up a BBB profile doesn’t only improve your domain authority with a free link to your website. It also enhances your company’s legitimacy.

Clients on the fence about ordering from your business will frequently check with the BBB to see whether you’ve gone through the company accreditation process and find your current organization’s rating.

Sometimes, potential clients will search the BBB for companies in their area that provide specific services, resulting in a direct link to your organization. Signing up with the BBB requires a little time, but it’s worth the effort.

  1. AngelList 

AngelList, now known as Wellfound, is the premiere website for companies in the tech industry who want to gain exposure among other startups and qualified industry tech professionals.

When you create an AngelList listing for your company, you’ll provide basic information about your organization, like its name, location, and industry. You’ll get a free link to your website, which can help you build credibility.

AngelList is a great place to start your search if you decide you need to bring on employees. Many people who use the directory have extensive startup experience, making it an ideal platform for organizations that need qualified workers.

Don’t Ignore the Power of Directories

Including your company in online directories can help you gain exposure quickly, especially if you’re starting a new company or website.

You’ll increase your website’s domain ranking, which can help bring organic traffic and build recognition among your peers. Select a few high-traffic directories, like Crunchbase and AngelList, and you’ll build your reputation quickly.