Tips for Optimizing Your Website for CDN Hosting

If your visitors are located in different parts of the world, and your server is located in a specific region, GCore experts advise you to improve the service with the help of a CDN. Recently, CDN hosting has become a popular solution in various cases.

  • To cope with high volumes of traffic;
  • To optimize page loading speed;
  • Strengthening protection against DDOS attacks;
  • Reduced infrastructure costs by reducing the load on the main server, etc.

Therefore, the use of CDN hosting is becoming a standard for modern web platforms, regardless of what topic they are dedicated to or what region they are targeting.

What is a CDN, and how does it work?

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a distributed server network that works together to quickly and efficiently deliver content (such as images, videos, CSS styles, JavaScript scripts, etc.) to users worldwide.

When a user requests content from your website, the CDN automatically determines the optimal server to deliver that content, usually closer to the user’s location, to reduce load times and increase content access speed.

How to optimize your site using a CDN?

A CDN helps improve the speed and performance of your website, reduce server load, increase availability, and reduce bandwidth costs. So, this is an important stage of platform optimization. Here’s what you can do with such hosting:

  • Use a CDN for all website content to reduce server load and improve site performance.
  • Speed up page load times by optimizing and compressing video content.
  • Cache static content such as images, scripts, and stylesheets on a CDN to reduce the number of requests to your server.
  • Use the HTTP/2 protocol to take advantage of its features, such as server push, multiplexing, and header compression.
  • Apply Gzip compression to compress text files like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

By the way, with the help of special tools, you can monitor the speed of content delivery and detect problems long before they become critical. Fortunately, this rarely happens with sites using a CDN. It is exactly the step from which you should start when you decide to optimize the site and ensure 24/7 availability. It is also helpful if you want to improve the user experience and provide your visitors with fast playback of content on their devices.