Unveiling the Secrets of Long-Lasting Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt is renowned for its durability and longevity, but proper construction and maintenance are critical factors in getting the most life out. The lifespan can be considerably increased by simple preventative measures like routine cleaning and crack repair.

Sweeping your driveway regularly is a great way to keep dirt out of the asphalt and reduce deterioration. Repairing potholes promptly is also crucial – allowing them to grow larger will result in further damage and expensive repairs.

Clean It Regularly

One of the simplest and most efficient ways to keep asphalt looking tremendous and extending its lifespan is to keep it clean. Dirty pavement is unsightly, allowing destructive elements to penetrate and oxidize the base layer. Even small cracks left unaddressed can worsen and cost more to repair.

Sweeping away debris regularly prevents dirt from getting into cracks and expanding them. Washing with an asphalt-safe cleaner is also recommended to remove grease, chemicals, and oil spills.

It’s a good idea to walk through the paved areas of your property regularly and look for signs of damage. For example, if you notice a small crack, contact asphalt paving near me immediately to repair it before it becomes a pothole or a more serious structural problem. Standing water is another concern that can cause significant damage to asphalt if not addressed promptly. Ensure the drainage system works properly to direct water away from the asphalt surface and avoid pooling problems.

Seal It Regularly

Asphalt damage only worsens when left unaddressed, so a regular maintenance program that includes seal coating is essential. This process protects the paving surface from harmful chemicals, oil spills, and sun damage that can accelerate its deterioration. It also increases its visual appeal and makes it easier to clean.

It’s essential to look at your paved areas frequently throughout the spring. Look for weeds, cracks, and other signs of damage. The best time to address these issues is before they worsen, especially during the rainy season when puddles can quickly become dangerous tripping hazards.

Hiring a professional asphalt company to perform regular seal coats can save you money and hassle if you’re a business owner with an extensive parking lot. Inexperienced DIY-ers sometimes attempt to do their seal coating, which can cause long-term damage. Working with a contractor who can provide specialized materials and equipment is better.

Repair Cracks and Potholes

Asphalt can withstand heavy traffic and is an excellent choice for driveways, roads, and parking lots. However, over time it can deteriorate. Keeping up with a regular maintenance program can prevent this deterioration and help extend the life of your pavement.

One of the most essential steps to extending your asphalt’s life is promptly repairing cracks and potholes. If left unattended, a tiny crack can become an alligator crack or pothole and damage the stability of your asphalt.

To fix smaller block cracks, use a crack sealant to stop moisture from getting into the sub-grade layers and prevent the raveling of the crack edges. Heat the area to soften any extra moisture for larger potholes, then fill the pothole with a hot mix asphalt patch. After the patch has been added, tamp the pothole to reduce the amount of surface movement and strengthen the bond with the old asphalt. Follow with a fresh application of seal coat.

Remove Snow and Ice

Asphalt is a resilient material, but it isn’t invincible. It’s essential to keep it in good shape by preventing damage and repairing it promptly when it does occur. The longer it goes unaddressed, the worse the damage will be.

The best way to protect your pavement from winter damage is by removing snow and ice before it can melt and cause cracks or potholes. If you have a lot of space to clear, consider hiring a professional snow removal service. They will use a snowblower that won’t damage your asphalt and remove the snow quickly without using corrosive chemicals.

If you have to use rock salt or another deicing agent, ensure it is non-corrosive and pet, child, and plant friendly. These chemicals can eat away at the asphalt seal coat and pose a health threat if ingested by pets or children. If you want a safer alternative, try spraying the ice with rubbing alcohol.