5 Tips to Become an Email Marketing Expert

The real money is in emails. For every single dollar you spend on email marketing, it brings an ROI of $44. To this day, regardless of all the breakthroughs and innovations that shook the marketing landscape, email is still the most effective channel to reach customers directly and drive sales.

However, if it was that easy, wouldn’t everyone be nailing their email strategy? Good point. The secret to really successful email marketing campaigns lies in these five simple steps.

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Best Ways to Market Your Business in an Online World

An increasing number of consumers are going online to try and find businesses who can provide a service that they need. They’ll use Google to find a local electrician or plumber, check out Facebook or Instagram when deciding on which restaurant to go to and take into account recommendations they read online.

It’s estimated that at least one in four Americans make at least one online purchase per week while the average smartphone users will pick up their phone 1,500 times a week. That is without taking into account all the time we spend on social media!

Our lives and the world are moving online at an increasing rate, and it means that, for your business to succeed in the current climate, you need to be able to take advantage of that.

Here are the best ways to market your business in an ever-growing online world.

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4 Costly Email Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Even with the rise of social media and other digital marketing efforts email marketing continues to be relevant and popular form of marketing to reach potential customers. The reasons are very clear. You can target multiple customers with a single email, and still able to personalize it for individual recipients. It is also very cost-effective. No wonder cold email is still very popular with digital marketers. As a marketer you need to ensure that you are using best practices and do not make mistakes that can jeopardize your marketing campaign.

Most people have been on the receiving end of an e-mail marketing blunder. Perhaps you’ve opened a marketing email to find that the sender has forgotten to put your name in the opening line, or maybe you’ve received an email containing an interesting link, only to find that it leads nowhere when you click on it. As a business owner, you’ll know that many marketing mistakes can be very costly to make. When it comes to email marketing, even small mistakes could cost you some credibility or create problems when it comes to building good relationships with your customers. So, with that in mind, we’ve listed some of the biggest email marketing mistakes to avoid.

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Infographic: Challenges of Email Marketing Strategy for the Modern Marketer

The constantly evolving world of marketing means that the marketers have to stay on their toes at all times to stay up to date with the latest trends and changes across the industry. There really is no time to sit back and reflect on your latest successful campaign, you have to come right back with another, even more successful campaign using your marketing expertise and research.

If you don’t have the time to master all of the latest trends, we have summarized them in this infographic which outlines the 7 main email marketing strategy challenges that marketers face and provides some useful tips on how to combat these challenges.

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Cloud Email Security: Why your Business Needs It

Cyber Security
The digital age has opened an exciting new world for us all. At the same time it has also created a new arena for cyber criminals. Therefore security should be a primary concern for all business owners. Email can be a prime weak link when it comes to business security threats.

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