How to Ensure Your Company Name is Not Already Registered

The first step to starting a business is to register a business name. It not only allows you to conveniently handle your tax issues with the government, but also acts as your first point of interaction with your customers.  That’s why every business person wants to have a catchy business name, one that resonates well with their target customer base. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. That’s because most names are usually taken up by other entrepreneurs that have registered their businesses before you. However, don’t let the search for a business name temper your drive to get started in business.  That’s because, we have researched and compiled for you 4 tips to ensure that your company name is not already registered.

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4 Tips to Build a Successful Start-Up

When you’ve made the decision to become a small business owner, it seems the list of responsibilities and priorities is a never diminishing entity, a veritable beast of to-do. It is a fact not disclosed beforehand that after the success of a painstakingly drawn up business plan and the stress of sourcing your funding, then comes the real hard work. It is widely accepted that entrepreneurism will drain your time and energy, but it is underestimated just how long and intense this period lasts for: forever. Of course, as any good owner will tell you, delegation is a balm to this headache. Nonetheless, if you’ve already sorted out staffing, short of hiring any more administrative help, here are some tips to keep your start-up running smoothly in the most prioritized and rewarding way.

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How Plastic Moulding Business Can Help You Realize Success

Rotomoulding, or as it’s also known, rotational moulding is a technology used to mould plastics that is ideal for making hollow articles, according to whatever specification is required. Rotational moulding is used to create a wide variety of products and there is almost no limit to the size of item the technology can produce, making the process useful for thousands of different applications.

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5 Tips to Make Your App the Next Big Thing

With smart phones becoming a rage across generations, a mobile app is the most convenient way to reach your customers and create interest in the potential ones. However, in order to make it big, you have to ensure that the uptake is steadily rising and glitches are as less as possible. Being honest, making your app to be the next big thing does not require a genius mind- all it requires are finances to be plugged in at the right time, the right idea, a good mobile app developer and an impactful marketing strategy.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while designing a mobile app to reap maximum benefit:

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Infographic: Drive Your Career with Your Own Van Business

For many people entrepreneurship provides the freedom and flexibility that no job in the corporate work can. While it does have it challenges and risks the potential for growing your business and career is enormous when you are in charge of your own destiny. You don’t have to start big to be the next Amazon or Google. Many successful business people started small from their own garage or van and persevere to become successful business owners they are today. You can start your own business from the back of the van like many have done. The Infographic below, courtesy of Van Monster, provides an excellent idea on how you can drive your career from the van.

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3 Helpful Tips to Getting an EIN Number

Do you need an EIN, or employer identification number? This might be the question that you as a business owner are asking yourself. Whether you are a new or experienced business owner, you need to have an employer identification number for several reasons. An EIN number is your business’ identity and it enables the internal revenue service to monitor and tax your business. This 9-digit number will help you separate your personal taxes from your business taxes. This will go a long way in helping you avoid any mistakes during the filing of tax returns.

Having employer identification numbers opens up credit opportunities for businesses. Many lending institutions ask for an EIN number or a copy of the application form before giving out loans. And finally, it will save you the trouble of having to get one in the future when the business expands enough to accommodate employees. Now that we have some of the reasons why, here are some helpful tips to getting an EIN number for your business.

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5 Personal Reasons Why Your Small Business Could Fail

When it comes to running a small business, there’s no easy day to day task that can be completed to ensure it’s a success. With more and more competition out there in various industries, it’s making it even harder for small businesses to make a name for themselves. It’s not all to do with the competition, though, and sometimes it’s the small business owners who lack the experience and knowledge to take their business forward. Here are a few of the personal reasons why you could fail your small business.

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How to Grow to be Next Amazon by Starting Small

There’s a wealth of business advice out there. Entrepreneurs everywhere are keen to share their advice for success, and a quick Google search will lead you to words from the wisest. Advice, of course, varies depending on the background of the person giving it. But, one thing often seems the same. All entrepreneurs emphasize the need to discover your big idea. This will be your niche and the thing which can set your business apart from the rest.

Which can leave some of us in despair. What happens when you’re desperate to own a business, but you just don’t have a big idea? Like the ever elusive ‘writer’s muse,’ ideas in business don’t crop up every day. As such, you may find that your dreams of making it big go down the drain because you didn’t have that special lightbulb moment.

The good news is, we think it’s possible to build a successful business empire without that spark. While thinkers like Steve Jobs will always lead the way, it would be naive to assume that good ideas are the only path to success. In fact, there are many alternative routes into business. And, we’re going to look at a few of them here.

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4 Things You Need to Do Before Opening a Business

The world is yours for the taking. That is why everyone should at least consider starting their own business. It’s the best conclusion to a lifetime in one industry. You know what makes a company successful and what makes it unsuccessful already. The only thing you have left to learn is how to build a company from the ground up. To help you succeed on your own, follow this simple guide:

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What Does It Take to Turn an Idea into Business

You might have read countless inspirational tales about entrepreneurs who defied the odds and went from nobody to the owner of a towering global corporation but these stories often don’t help. Reading the advice that you should “follow your dreams” and “keep working hard” doesn’t really do a lot to help you with the technical aspects of building your own business and achieving the same level of success.

Perhaps part of the reason as to why you can’t find definitive answers online is that there’s no definitive mathematical formula to creating a profitable business given that the economy and the consumer are always changing. Still, that doesn’t mean there isn’t some rough form of science when it comes starting a business on the right track. There are certainly smart business practices and not-so-smart business practices. Here’s a rough sort of rulebook to get you on your feet and underway with creating your own empire. Let’s turn that innovative entrepreneurial idea into a grounded reality.

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