7 Easy Ways to Get Your Small Business Up and Running


If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business and being your own boss, you may be daunted by the amount of red tape and hassle it takes to begin your own venture. You may not want to deal with filling out the paperwork, renting out a business space, hiring employees, and other expensive steps that are necessary for some new companies. If you’re not sure your business idea is going to be a hit, it’s tricky to take that risk. It can also be expensive. Instead, try one of these easy, inexpensive small business ideas to start creating income.

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6 Startup Clichés You Should Avoid to Succeed in Long-term

Startups are inherently risky. If you strike it rich you can be next Jeff Bezos. On the other hand there is equal, probably more, probability of your startup shutting doors after few years. One reason many of them end up this way has to do with the founders not paying attention to the right things and instead going after frivolous items that don’t help them in the long-term. They chase what I term certain clichés that look good on surface, but ends up hurting them. So how do you avoid being another startup that ends up in the dumpster. Read on to learn those clichés and how to avoid them.

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3 Successful Tactics to Get Your Startup Booming

We all stand in awe of the successful startup. The path from zero to a thriving business appears almost magical to outsiders – the founders were once regular working Joes and then, a short time later, they are entrepreneurial rock stars running some of the largest firms.

Many business owners do not fully understand how to progress from zero to booming, but there are specific things that successful entrepreneurs do to grow their firms that we all can learn from. Below, we will discuss 3 tactics you can deploy to propel your startup business!

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25 Best Work from Home Jobs of 2016

Work from Home
Many people dream of being an entrepreneur. At the same time they are turned off by the demand that entrepreneur lifestyle puts on them. The stress of building the business from ground up, need to travel around the country to build customer base takes lot of toll on their person lives. However, there is a middle ground that can help balance the personal life with entrepreneurship. Many work from home jobs do not have as much stress as full-blown entrepreneurship and you can still earn decent income and build respectable business. Our friends at Multiple Streams have done a fabulous job of identifying 25 best work from home jobs. Click here to find out what they are and get details on how to go about starting one.

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What Options Are Available to Get into Business Yourself

Maybe you grew up helping your parents in their own corner store. Maybe you genuinely love customer service. Perhaps you make something super awesome and you want to build a business around it. Whatever the reason, you want to have your own business, but you’re not sure where to start. Here are some tips on various options available to you to start the business and how to get there.

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Startup Tips for Tailor Dressmaker and Alteration Business

Sewing Machine
Are you the go-to seamstress for family and friends? If you’re one of those talented people who are sought out every time someone needs their pants taken-in or the one who always makes the killer costume every Halloween, maybe it’s time you took your abilities public by opening your own shop. Chances are you already have the basic tools of the trade right in your home sewing kit, but what else does it take to turn your part-time passion into a viable small business?

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How to Start a Business While Still Employed

Balancing Act
Many people who work for someone else dream of becoming their own boss and owning a business. Who has not experienced boredom or become fed up with their boss at least once in their working life. While running your own business is not a bad idea it does come with its own risks. Financial risk in particular is the one that holds many people back. You are not only giving up your guaranteed income, but also risking your own money in the business with uncertain outcome. That is why it is advisable to start a business on a part-time basis while you are still employed. There are couple of important items you need to take care of if you pursue this path.

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How to Run a Successful Steel Fabrication Business

Starting a steel fabrication business is a fantastic move if you want to make a healthy living. You’ll need a lot of investment to get the company off the ground. However, it’s one of the few industries that’s still thriving in both the US and across the pond. Most people working in that field will complete custom jobs for their clients. So, the products are not suitable for mass production. That is the primary element that has stopped countries like China from taking the helm. You might spend one day creating a steel fence for business premises, and the next building supports for the construction world.

The possibilities are endless, and so is your potential for making a profit. You just need to ensure you research the market ahead of time. Take a look at some of the biggest players, and work out which elements led to their success.

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3 Important Tips for Making your Small Business a Success

Nearly half of small businesses fail in their first 3 years of existence. Success is in no way guaranteed when you are starting a small business. Part of the reason for this high failure rate is that small businesses have limited resources to work with. Oftentimes the owner of the business is managing all aspects of the business – From managing accounts to getting effective marketing materials produced to running the day to day operations of the business. As you can imagine this can get really busy, really fast. If you are not careful you may end up burning yourself or, even worse, your business can fail. Here are 3 tips you can use to alleviate the burden to some extent and succeed as a small business owner.

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5 Keys to Building a Successful Online Startup

There has never been a more exciting time to launch an online business. As such, more and more entrepreneurs are turning their attention to this arena every year. If you’re looking to step into the world of ecommerce in 2016, it is imperative that you start on a positive foundation. Great planning is central to establishing a successful online venture. There are several key areas an online startup needs to focus on for this strong foundation. Here are five of the most important areas you need to worry about.

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