7 Must Have Hotel Amenities for Business Travellers

Business Travel
Business travel can be extremely exhausting, with little of the glamour that people associate it with. For many business people, the trip can be as short as an overnight sojourn, meaning your energy will be spent on transit and meetings, with no relaxation and sightseeing on the cards. As a result, finding accommodation that doubles as a retreat and provides you with everything you need to have a smooth business trip, becomes very important. Below you’ll discover seven of the features you should be keeping an eye out for when researching your next business trip accommodation.

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Business Visitor’s Guide to London – Where to Eat, Drink, Stay and See

No other city in the world provides the richness to its visitors, whether they are visiting on business or pleasure. As a financial capital of Europe London has world-class financial institutions to go with world famous London School of Business. For those willing to spend extra day or two to explore the city and experience its rich history there are number of places where you can experience luxurious dining, its famous pubs and countless historical attractions. Here are some of places recommended by locals as a must-see attractions for dining, drinking, staying and seeing.

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How to Keep Up Business Productivity on the Road

Airport Terminal
Business people travel for a lot of reasons. And some of them do it a lot more than others. If you find yourself away from the home office for weeks or months in a year, you are no stranger to the business places of life on the road: the terminal, the hotel lobby or the restaurant. It is possible to do great work in environments like these, but let’s face it, most people don’t manage to keep up the same level of productivity they have at home. Now there is an answer for those of you who do a lot of your business away from the home.

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Business Class Transportation for Busy Travellers

Busy, career-minded professionals often are required to travel frequently for business. Your travel plans may take you to several new cities and towns every month. Whether you are visiting towns that you have never visited before or you are worried about getting around unfamiliar streets in towns you are only partially familiar with, you may be looking for the best business class transportation solutions for your needs. While there are several transportation options available for you to consider, such as car hire solutions, the best option may be to set up limo hire service. When you review the benefits of limo services for your upcoming trips, you will see why this is the best solution for you to use each time your travel away from home.

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Infographic – Best Cities for Business Conferences

Best Cities for Business Conference
As with any event, business conferences require intensive planning and coordination. From lodging to executive travel arrangements, there are endless number of items you need to take care of. One of the most important pieces of the puzzle is to determine where to host the conference. Each city has its own nuances. The infrastructure, culture, weather all play an important role in the success or failure of these events.

Certain cities stand out as popular destinations for business conferences. The Infographic below shows five of the best cities around the world for hosting conferences.

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How Can You Stay Fit While Traveling for Business

How can you stay fit while travelling for business
For business owners work life balance is of paramount importance. With the amount of work they have it is easy for small business owners to ignore their own fitness. After all, who can afford to spend time on workout when you can sign one more customer account. This could be dangerous not only to your health, but also to your business’ financial health.

Imagine this scenario. You are going away on business. You’ve got all the clothes you need. You are bringing your tablet. You’ve got all your business papers in order. You are just missing one thing: your fitness plan. Just because you’ll be away on business doesn’t mean you can’t still work out. Most resorts and even smaller hotels have workout or fitness rooms these days. Here’s how to stay in shape, regardless of whether you’re flying half-way around the country or just taking a short trip out of town.

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