Hidden Costs That Could Threaten Your New Business

It’s a precarious time when you start a new business, so it’s important to be on top of your outgoings and stay aware of any costs that might lead to your venture going under.  To ensure your venture starts on the right step, together with Flogas, we explore those hidden costs that you may not have originally considered.

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How to Get Instantly Approved Loans for Business without Complex Procedures

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One of the many definitions of a business is to make money and when a business is in the nascent stage, making money can be the secondary dream but the first aim would be to have the ability to cope with the cut-throat competition so that there is now way the company has to stop or slow down its operation. When a company is started, it has to flourish and to flourish it needs the right fodder, without which a company might just curb or take too long to reach the position when similar businesses have reached to the peak position in just a year or two.

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Why You Should Consider Investing in AI Now

For years we were told to get ready for the inevitable, the AI era – well, it has finally arrived and with it comes the potential for great investments. Join the ranks of Jeff Bezos, champion of machine learning, and Tej Kohli, Rewired investor, who are supporting the creation of technologies that will help make people’s lives easier. You’ll not only stand to make a substantial ROI but you will be investing in something that will greatly benefit the world we live in.

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How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a costly problem, with businesses losing billions of dollars every year to bogus transactions both online and in-person. Not only does credit card fraud lead to lost merchandise but also to lost time — and major headaches — spent straightening everything out.

Although banks and credit card issuers are constantly working to fight fraud, often adding features and security protections to cards to protect both customers and businesses, merchants still have a responsibility and the power to stop fraud before it happens. Criminals are becoming more sophisticated all the time, but there are still a few telltale signs that should trigger a closer look at certain transactions.

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How Can You Save Money When Running a Small Business

Often people dream of running a small business but when it comes to actually starting one, there can be so much to think about. One of the most important parts of running a small business is making sure that your finances are good and that you are spending your money on the right things. You’ll likely be spending money on hiring employees, renting office space, marketing and other important costs. All of these things are important but what can you sacrifice without having your business suffer? Trying to save money when you run a small business can be hard when you aren’t sure what you can cut back on. This is why we have come up with some tips that can help to save you money. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more!

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4 Benefits of Mezzanine Borrowing for Business Acquisitions

In the world of business, expanding your holdings can be a worthy but challenging effort. One major roadblock to expansion can be raising the capital to buy a new building or an existing operation, especially when funding from traditional lenders might be difficult to obtain. However, there are other options available, such as mezzanine borrowing. While this type of financing may require a few prerequisites, it also has a variety of benefits for both you and any lenders who choose to finance your business.

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Pitfalls to Avoid When Selling a Business

If you have a business for sale then then this can be quite a stressful and time-consuming period in your life. Getting this wrong could have some serious implications which could affect finances, credibility and employees.  If you have spent many years building up a business from scratch the last thing you want to see is the business fail at any level.  Getting the right advice and guidance along the way is important.   Here are some of our scribbled down notes of some pitfalls to avoid when selling on your business.

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Tips to Reduce Your Business Rates

One of the biggest overhead costs for any business, large or small, is their business rates as this can be around 50% of the annual rent on a commercial property! The tax system is extremely complicated and for many business owners, they would simply rather pay someone to take care of the business rates management and leave them to focus on the day to day running of their business. By doing this, you will ensure that you are not missing out on reduced business rates and other opportunities to save some cash. Below, we have listed a few of our top business rates tips that you can try and implement to save some cash!

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Why You Should Invest Part of Your Portfolio in Metals

There are a wide range of metals to look into investing. Some, like gold and platinum, are quite expensive investments and require a large amount of capital per ounce. However, metals like gold retain their value through adverse political and economic circumstances, making them a good option to secure your assets in the long term. For a small business looking to generate growth, it makes sense to look to lower price commodity metals that will see growth. This can take the form of either precious metals, for instance when you find mercury dimes for sale, allowing you to have small stocks of stable currency in the form of silver and copper. Alternatively, you can make predictions on the global commodities market and make a profit from development around the world.

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Why Leasing Office Equipment is More Cost-Effective

Buying photocopiers for your office is not a trivial decision especially if you are considering the high-end laser models. After deciding that you really need a photocopier for your business, you have two options – to buy or to lease. Between these two, leasing is the more practical solution. While you may end up paying a little bit more with leasing vs. buying it outright there are more nuances you need to consider before making final decision. Here are some reasons why it is more cost-effective if you decide to just lease.

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