How to Ensure Your Company Name is Not Already Registered

The first step to starting a business is to register a business name. It not only allows you to conveniently handle your tax issues with the government, but also acts as your first point of interaction with your customers.  That’s why every business person wants to have a catchy business name, one that resonates well with their target customer base. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. That’s because most names are usually taken up by other entrepreneurs that have registered their businesses before you. However, don’t let the search for a business name temper your drive to get started in business.  That’s because, we have researched and compiled for you 4 tips to ensure that your company name is not already registered.

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Is Sexual Harassment Training Always Effective?

Not only should HR professionals know what works when it comes to assembling a compliance training group for sexual harassment, they should also know why such training fails. Such information can be instrumental in facilitating a safer workplace where employees feel they are heard and one in which employees are well-educated about acceptable behavior regarding sexual harassment. When approaching such a major issue, it’ s best to be well-aware of both sides of the spectrum.

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What Do You Need to Prepare Before Starting Recruitment Process

Employees are the biggest assets to any business. The growth of your business depends highly on the performance of your employees, both as individuals and as a team. Filling key positions with the right people are critically important, especially if you want your business to remain competitive on the market.

Recruitment is never a simple task to handle, but there are ways to increase your chances of finding the perfect candidates for the positions you’re trying to fill. Here are some of the things to prepare before starting your recruitment process.

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4 Reasons to Involve Employees in Decision Making

Decision-making is one of the most important aspects of running a company. A wrong decision can wreak havoc on the progress of your business and employees. Decision-making is a critical process. Since employees are the backbone of your company, you should encourage your employees in the decision-making process. Here are the four reasons why.

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4 Reasons Why Failure Leads to Success

Failure is a phase of life that most people go through at least once. The thought of failure can be daunting, disheartening and disappointing. You may feel stuck in the dark. Failure is not the end of life; you need to buck up courage to go all out to achieve your goal. Here are four reasons why failure leads to success.

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4 Powerful Strategies to Improve Your Leadership Effectiveness

A leader plays a paramount role in a company. Leaders have certain characteristics such as charisma, vision, persuasiveness, and diplomacy, that are honed to achieve perfection. Leadership skills enable leaders to inspire their team. Having a good leader is important for any company as people are more difficult to manage than any other resource in an organization. Here are the top four strategies to improve the effectiveness of leadership.

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4 Tips to Find Inexpensive Business Insurance

Running a small business can be expensive. On top of managing your staff and paying out for rent and other utilities, you also need to think about insurance cover so that your business is protected should anything go wrong. Insurance cover, however, can be costly and varies greatly from company to company. To help you get the best deal on your next insurance renewal, we’ve rounded up five money-saving tips for you to consider.

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4 Tips to Build a Successful Start-Up

When you’ve made the decision to become a small business owner, it seems the list of responsibilities and priorities is a never diminishing entity, a veritable beast of to-do. It is a fact not disclosed beforehand that after the success of a painstakingly drawn up business plan and the stress of sourcing your funding, then comes the real hard work. It is widely accepted that entrepreneurism will drain your time and energy, but it is underestimated just how long and intense this period lasts for: forever. Of course, as any good owner will tell you, delegation is a balm to this headache. Nonetheless, if you’ve already sorted out staffing, short of hiring any more administrative help, here are some tips to keep your start-up running smoothly in the most prioritized and rewarding way.

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5 Ways to Improve Team Building in the Workplace

Strong team building in the workplace is a necessary feature of a healthy company culture and benefits teams and individual employees as was as customers. An improved sense of teamwork improves the business spirit across divisions and gives a full rise in company performance and productivity. There are many different ways to improve team building at a company that can leave everyone with better skills and well-equipped to handle the workday ahead. Here are five useful ways to improve team building in the workplace.

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5 Ways Consultants can Benefit Your Business

When running a small business, it can be tempting to try do everything yourself. But there might be times when you won’t have the knowledge to deal with a complex issue, or the time to find a solution to a problem quickly.

Having someone to help during these times, in the form of a consultant, can be very beneficial. This article looks at five ways they can benefit your business.

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