Why Recruitment Process Outsourcing Works for Small Business

It is universally agreed that any organisation is only as good as the people who work within, and when sourcing key personnel, you need to be sure you are attracting the right calibre of person, and outsourcing your needs to an established recruitment agency is definitely the best solution. Here are just a few of the reasons why outsourcing your HR requirements is a good idea.

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Infographic: Drive Your Career with Your Own Van Business

For many people entrepreneurship provides the freedom and flexibility that no job in the corporate work can. While it does have it challenges and risks the potential for growing your business and career is enormous when you are in charge of your own destiny. You don’t have to start big to be the next Amazon or Google. Many successful business people started small from their own garage or van and persevere to become successful business owners they are today. You can start your own business from the back of the van like many have done. The Infographic below, courtesy of Van Monster, provides an excellent idea on how you can drive your career from the van.

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Tips for Creating Best Atmosphere for Employees in the Office

When you’re in charge of running an office, you need to focus more on just the daily ins and outs of the business. You’ll want to spend some time really going over a lot of the various ways you can create the best possible environment for team building within your offices. What is the best part? It really doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might have thought in the past.

By utilizing the various tips found below, you will find that everyone in the office will have a much easier time communicating with one another. This benefit alone is well worth the time spent in getting everyone connected. You want them to not only feel like family but to begin to treat everyone else in the office like they are their own family. After all, many people find that they spend more time with their co-workers than they do with their own flesh and blood family.

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4 Qualities to Look for in Your Therapist Clinic Startup Team

Running a business is no easy task, but when that business deals with the treatment of people’s mental health and analysis of their behavior, it can be even trickier to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Along with the day-to-day business side of things, running a private clinic or practice is also concerned with individuals’ health and well-being, making it even more imperative that you ensure you have the right team working on your side. If you’re putting together a team for your clinic for the first time, then chances are that you already have some people in mind. But, before you start to invest in hiring, here are some top tips to help you put together a truly winning team.

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Rising Demand for Apartments in Philadelphia

As the economy of Philadelphia grows, so too does the demand for adequate apartment housing within city limits. Philadelphia apartments and their residents are major contributors to the local economy, providing more than $3.5 billion to it each day. Over 533,000 people live in approximately 298,000 apartment homes in Philadelphia. Over 130,000 jobs are supported by apartment buildings, contributing $14 billion to Philadelphia’s economy.

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3 Helpful Tips to Getting an EIN Number

Do you need an EIN, or employer identification number? This might be the question that you as a business owner are asking yourself. Whether you are a new or experienced business owner, you need to have an employer identification number for several reasons. An EIN number is your business’ identity and it enables the internal revenue service to monitor and tax your business. This 9-digit number will help you separate your personal taxes from your business taxes. This will go a long way in helping you avoid any mistakes during the filing of tax returns.

Having employer identification numbers opens up credit opportunities for businesses. Many lending institutions ask for an EIN number or a copy of the application form before giving out loans. And finally, it will save you the trouble of having to get one in the future when the business expands enough to accommodate employees. Now that we have some of the reasons why, here are some helpful tips to getting an EIN number for your business.

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Create an Affordable, Customized Health Insurance Plan in Less Than 20 Minutes

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One of the biggest concerns for small business owners is providing health insurance to their employees. Not only does it cost significant money to provide health insurance, but it is also a very complex and cumbersome process that a majority of small business owners do not want to deal with. Fortunately, there is a way for them to create a customized plan that is affordable and easy to understand at the same time as we discussed in the previous post. The customized plan offered by UnitedHealthcare can alleviate many of the concerns small business owners have about providing health insurance. In this article we will show the step-by-step process of selecting the plan.

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5 Personal Reasons Why Your Small Business Could Fail

When it comes to running a small business, there’s no easy day to day task that can be completed to ensure it’s a success. With more and more competition out there in various industries, it’s making it even harder for small businesses to make a name for themselves. It’s not all to do with the competition, though, and sometimes it’s the small business owners who lack the experience and knowledge to take their business forward. Here are a few of the personal reasons why you could fail your small business.

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3 Small Business Areas Impacted by Regulatory Changes

It is vital that you keep up to date with any new regulations which take effect in your field of business, whether the focus is environmental, financial, or health and safety orientated. The consequences could be anything from a large scale environmental catastrophe all the way through to your organization being responsible for an onsite injury or death. However, even if the regulations in your industry are financial you’re by no means let off the hook as the consequences will be just as significant to those affected. Therefore, you need to make sure that you’re up to speed with the industry relevant regulations, and understand that it’s ultimately your responsibility to follow them if you want to avoid the consequences.

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Hire the Right Salesperson with Online Assessment Testing

When you send out a call for job applications, you’re looking for more than someone to fill an open seat. Yet with such high employee turnover in industries like sales, it seems that scrambling to cover a position happens all too often. It’s important to keep in mind that the wrong hire may not only cost the company revenue of their part, but having an employee that can’t sell can hurt the morale of your team, and their chances for finding success.

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