What Do Shoppers Really Think When Visiting Your Ecommerce Site?

They say first impressions last a lifetime. As an ecommerce business owner, you’ll want to derive the greatest consumer lifetime value (CLV) from your shoppers. If you turn them off to your brand with a poorly designed site, that CLV is zero!

Below, we will discuss how to optimize your e-store’s web design and user experience. It all starts by seeing things through your customers’ point of view. So, what do shoppers really think when visiting your ecommerce site?

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Cobots Bring Back the Power of Sight

Many industries from all over the world are now using cobots to boost their productivity and make their working spaces safer for humans. Among the different industries using cobots are the health industry. Cobots in the health industry are used in the most intricate surgery procedures like heart surgeries, hip replacements and organ transplants. They are also used as training tools and helping aids. Among the many health institutions that have taken the use of cobots a notch higher is Aurolab.

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3 Cutting-Edge Technologies Small Businesses Are Adopting

Traditionally, only large enterprises such as major manufacturers could afford robots. That’s starting to change, says MIT Work of the Future. Specialized robots called “cobots” that collaborate with humans are now available for as little as $50,000 to $70,000, putting them in the reach of small and medium-sized firms. Cobots are helping human workers by assisting with repetitive, dangerous or unsanitary tasks, helping employees work more efficiently and avoid injuries. Manufacturers are currently improving cobots so that they can be programmed easily even by workers with no technical background, allowing them to be flexibly integrated into everyday workflows as needed.

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How to Reduce Online Security Risk for Your Business

Whether you’re starting a new business or upgrading an existing business, you should already be aware of the importance of security. Every business, regardless of size, generates untold amounts of data that include employee records, customer transactions, and supplier account details. In fact, each business day multiplies that sensitive data by leaps and bounds.

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5 Tips to Securing the Right Domain Name for Your Brand

Acquiring the right domain name is one of the most important things for any business owner with a website. A good domain name help a business owner build their own online presence and also make it easier for customer to locate your business online. Today choosing the right domain name has become increasingly difficult, this is because many domain names have taken given the fact that there are over 130 million domain names which have already been registered. Here are a few tips which can help you secure the right domain name for your business.

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Best Business Dashboards to Help SMBs Prosper

Most small and medium businesses (SMB) don’t have sufficient resources to help them make that jump to the next level. In addition to these woes, time constraints usually play a big factor in deciding whether a business can make necessary progression.

Understandably, when chances present themselves for businesses to further their cause, all hands are usually on deck. Today, we’ll be looking at a couple of amazing business dashboards that will help small businesses realize their objectives.

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How to Use Available Resources to Protect Your Vital Business Data

The most valuable items that thieves can take from a business are data points. Sensitive information regarding account numbers and purchase histories can generate lucrative revenue for hackers. Your business needs to be on top of these vulnerabilities by using today’s resources. Learn the best ways to protect your data so that hackers look for other targets.

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Importance of Technology in Start-up Success

When there is a technology, there is always a way to its flourish. Keeping such goals in mind, some of the cities try their best to bring huge innovations by replacing the older ones. This is the time for the”gig” technology which becomes the major support. To know more about such aspects we need to know actually how good these technologies can be.

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3 Reasons VoIP phones are good for business

Whether your business is big or just a startup, you will need a proper means of communication with both your clients and co-workers. Initially, there are two options that you can choose from; the conventional fixed-line services and the modern Voice over Internet Protocol phones (VoIP). As much as they have a few drawbacks, there are significant reasons why the VoIP phones are excellent for businesses.

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Should You Install IP Security Cameras in Your Business Premise?

Are you thinking about installing IP security cameras in your house or company? Is it a good idea? Here are the pros and cons of these video surveillance systems. These systems are gaining followers because of their ease to adapt to facilities where there is a data network that can be used.

Do not forget that IP security cameras are characterised by being an IoT (internet of things) devices and without an internet connection their operation would not be appropriate. It is, in short, a very comfortable technology for the user and with certain advantages when it comes to being installed, but we must bear in mind the drawbacks of such internet-connected devices

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