Boost your Recruitment Skills with Effective Training

When we recruit a new team member, we are making a commitment to invest a lot of resources in a person by training them to carry out their role to the best of their ability, and therefore, it is vital that we recruit the right people. Some would say that recruitment is the most important business process of all, and as an organisation is only as good as the people it employs, there is an element of truth to this.

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Great smiles close deals in Business

Each culture determines its own rules on which social circumstances the smile is justified. However, a smile, throughout the world, is mostly perceived as an expression of joy and satisfaction arising from the influence of positive thoughts and feelings.  International proverbs confirm that fact. Many nations talk about the smile as a universal manifestation of happiness and the purification of the entire organism. The Irishmen say that laughter is a “soul music,” the Chinese believe that you should “use your smile to change the world and don’t let the world to change your smile” and the Japanese are convinced that “instead of worrying, a strong man wears a smile.” Smile is the sign of character, the state of spirit, and adaptation ability to the environment, of each individual. It signifies a person’s essential need for other human beings and an effort to achieve and keep contact with them.

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How to Grow Your Small Business When Consumer Is in Control

The world is changing at a rapid pace. What seemed a certainty a few years ago might be in doubt now. Who would have thought that the banking industry would be under serious threat from fintech start-ups? Who would have believed that large and historic department stores would be succumbing to the pressures of online shopping behemoths? The taxi industry has forever been changed by ride-hailing services, and the hotel industry is forced to keep up with the times due to pressures from a democratised short stay or rental sector. People are keeping a close eye on how younger generations are changing the expectancy of certain life events and purchases, such as buying a car, house and have children. It feels like everything has been predictable for so many years with everything put in turmoil the last decade.

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Developing Your Expertise is Crucial for Your New Business Idea!

You have a new business idea, so how do you develop it into your vision? How do you make it grow from the thoughts in your mind to a success story? You need to start by developing your expertise. Become an authority on the subject and let this knowledge translate into business success.

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3 Tips to Stay Healthy at Work

It is a pretty common phrase that health is wealth, and although it might be just something that a lot of people say, there is so much truth to it. Without good health, there are so many things that we would be unable to do. You are likely to be unable to work, or at least work less, chores and family life can become tough when you’re unwell, in and out of hospital, or bedridden. We all know that one of the main reasons that people have gained weight or have gotten out of shape is through being unwell, or not having the time or energy to do the things that are needed to be healthy. This is so true for many, but especially for busy working professionals. They can commute, spend all day at a computer, and then be too tired to do anything after work as they’ve just eaten whatever was quick and easy. So, with that in mind, if you are a working professional, here are some of the things that you can be doing to make sure you take care of your health at work, so you can carry on working.

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5 Equipment You Need to Open an Auto Repair Workshop

Opening an auto repair business can be profitable if you hire the right employees and if your shop is well located. However, setting up a car repair shop requires significant investment. You not only need to rent or buy a large commercial space, but you need more than a few expensive repair equipment. In this post, we focus on the few tools and equipment that account for the bulk of the total investment required to start an auto repair workshop. Here are 5 expensive equipment you need to invest in to start a car repair business.

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Business Coach Right Now

Mentoring has been around for years, and there are solid reasons budding entrepreneurs and business owners need to consider working with a business coach. Even established business people benefit from a fresh look at the way they operate. If you’re looking for a proven way to grow your revenues, now is the time to explore hiring a business coach. There are many reasons to hire a business coach, but five stand out.

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4 Online Marketing Strategies Outside of Social Media

When you’re trying to market your business, online advertising is one of the best strategies. It’s especially good for new businesses because it’s far more cost effective than a lot of traditional offline marketing techniques. It also has a much better reach and you’ll be able to connect with a lot more potential customers for a fraction of the price. When it comes to online marketing, most people immediately think of social media. It’s true that it’s a good way to market your business and find a lot of new customers without investing that much money at all, but it’s not the only way to market your business online.

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4 Tips When Moving Into a New Home

Searching through the internet about tips and tricks about moving, you’ll find a ton of article telling you basically the same things. In this article, we’ll talk about some tips that you might or might have not read in other places.

Some of it is probably similar to what you’ve read, but you’ll also find some advice on things that no one else told you about. Read on and learn more!

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Key Financial Concerns to Address When Marketing Your Business

It doesn’t matter whether you are aiming to set up a business focusing on social media marketing, implementing digital strategies or honing the traditional methods of marketing a la billboards and radio jingles, there will be some initial financial concerns that you need to consider. When constructing your business plan, your prime focus will be your funding. However, you also need to look at your cash flow, your savings, your personal liabilities and your gross and net projections for at least your first three years of trading.

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