What are the Difference between Type 1 and 2 Hoods for Restaurant Kitchens?

The restaurant industry is extremely competitive and getting the details right can be the difference between a successful chain and a restaurant that closes after only a few years. Most people starting a restaurant have worked in the industry before but have not been responsible for purchasing key materials such as the raw ingredients and the appropriate commercial kitchen equipment. In addition to the cooking appliances needed, ventilation hoods, fans and ductwork also have a lot to do with how productive, comfortable, safe and clean a restaurant kitchen can be. This article will focus on the two main kinds of restaurant hoods-  Type 1 and Type 2, which differ immensely and depend on what you need to have filtered out of the kitchen air. The following overview discusses how type 1 hoods differ from type 2 hoods and how they each benefit restaurants.

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How to Stay Organized with Your Small Business

It’s one of those jobs that has to be done, but that you really don’t relish – reviewing your company documents, policies and guidelines. When you first set up your business, you would have created documents covering all the aspects of the company that needed to be set down on paper, and at the bottom of each, you will have dutifully added a footnote with a review date on it. Now you’ve been going a few years, the time has crept by, and you realize those dates are upon you. What do you do? It may be time to get organized and review all your documents to keep on track.

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How to Find the Best Supplier for Copper Electroplating

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Electroplating process is one of the most commonly opted for option in wide range of industries. Copper electroplating in this regard, has a wide variety of use. Well, the concept of copper electroplating is simple. All that is done in his process is to submerge the material to be plated in an electrolyte bath and apply the right amount of current so that the copper ions will be able to migrate and deposit into the set regions with a pre-existing metal seed layer.

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Install Security System

If you’re serious about running a business, you must treat it accordingly. Even if you already have a security system installed, if it cannot compare to the latest standards and demands, you might want to think about making an upgrade. The following 5 reasons should serve as a strong motivation to do something about it:

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3 Tips to Find the Best Talent for Your Business

The success of a company largely depends on its employees. They are the face of your business in front of your customers. Having a bad employee face off with a customer is not only bad for that one customer, but when he tells 10 of his friends and family members about that bad experience you stand to lose lot more customers. This is why successful companies such as Amazon and Google spend so much time, money and effort to make sure they hire the best talent and keep them.

The question is how do you find the best talent?

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3 Reasons VoIP phones are good for business

Whether your business is big or just a startup, you will need a proper means of communication with both your clients and co-workers. Initially, there are two options that you can choose from; the conventional fixed-line services and the modern Voice over Internet Protocol phones (VoIP). As much as they have a few drawbacks, there are significant reasons why the VoIP phones are excellent for businesses.

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Why Running Competitions Can be Good for Your Business

In business, there are many challenges that face you, from making a profit to keeping up your productivity. With all businesses being in the same situation, the need to be a little different can sometimes mean success instead of failure. One way that businesses try to coax new customers is by offering special competitions and events because it encourages people to enter. If you haven’t tried competitions yet, then here are a few reasons why you should.

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8 Essentials for Every Online Clothing Store

The internet is one of the best places to do business, and the copious technological advances in the past years have only made it easier. Industries, from food to sanitation, have flocked the internet marketplace to reach their audience. Fashion is among the many things making a lot of noise in the e-commerce industry.

Majority of clothing stores are launching websites left and right to cater to the demographic that prefers online shopping to the actual mall browsing. But major stores are not the only ones benefiting from the ease of selling online. Small businesses are practically flourishing, especially independent online clothing stores.

Interested in taking your clothing business online? Here are a few essentials to help you start.

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Why Are Temporary Jobs Becoming More Popular Now?

At any one given moment in time you can probably name at least a couple of friends, family members, or even co-workers who are actively looking for a new job. The job searching scene is one that is always robust and busy, but just like so many other industries it has its own trends. While there still may be a significant amount of people actively looking for a new job right now, what is becoming more common is that people are not looking for temporary jobs rather than a permanent position.

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What do You Need to Prepare before Starting a Small Business

Almost everyone dreams of starting his own business at some point in his life. After all, the allure of owning your business is tremendous. You are not answerable to anyone; you can set your own time; and the return you get from the business is all yours. What can be better than this? Well, before you get too far in your dream remember that half of the businesses fail in the first 5 years of their existence. There are many challenges and nuances in running a small business than many people realized.

However, that doesn’t mean that no one can succeed in starting a small business. There are number of successful entrepreneurs who have gone on to grow their small business into multi-billion-dollar businesses. So, what do you need to do to take that first step and start your own business? Preparation is the key. Here are the things you need to prepare before opening the door.

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