What the Best Merchandising Pros Do (and You Should Too)

Retail Store
Most small businesses want to avoid falling into the “me-too” category. They want to do something different and be unique. And that’s understandable. But too many businesses take this sort of thinking so far. They reject things that the market has been doing for years because they work. And instead, they prefer to go their own way. The result is that they end up missing out on sales and profits.

Merchandising is one of those areas where you really don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Doing what the pros do is the best way to succeed and attract shoppers to your small business. And there are certain things that they swear by. Let’s take a look.

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Tweets are Getting Longer, But Does It Really Change Anything?

Recently, Twitter announced one of its biggest changes to the platform – more characters. We don’t know when this will happen, but we can bet that it’ll be before the end of 2016. The move will shake up a platform built for SMS messages before the iPhone even existed.

Now in its 10th year, Twitter has 310 million active users. It’s been used to start revolutions, mourn the passing of icons, and share cat videos. Despite a decline in use by the original founders, marketers still turn to the platform for B2B and B2C.

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Infographic: 5 Human Senses Marketers Must Appeal to for Customer Connection

5 Senses
Marketing is all about appealing to human brain to make them feel connected to your brand and eventually trigger their brain into purchasing your product or services. Marketers deploy all types of tactics to appeal to human senses and get the best results. Those who are successful at making connection with as many of these senses as possible stand to reap most benefits. Very few marketers today can deploy this comprehensive tactic.  In the Infographic below we explore 5 senses and how marketers can appeal to them.

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What is the Right Marketing Strategy for Your Business?

Marketing Strategy
Businesses obsess over the most effective marketing strategies and miss the crucial point. The point is that an effective marketing strategy is all about the individual company. As every company is different, every company needs to consider different criteria and variables. As a result, there is no one size fits all strategy. Now that you know, you might be in an even bigger quandary. ‘If there is no one size fits all, how am I supposed to choose the right strategy?’ It’s a good question, and you can find the answer below.

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Express Yourself – Ways to Give Your Small Business Personality

Window Display
Getting attention from customers is something that all new businesses strive for. The brand identity that is established can be built upon, but if not managed carefully can actually be damaging. Building a brand doesn’t always have to come with a huge budget, as there are many cost-effective ways that can help build a brand. Here are some ways to do this and get noticed by customers

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3 Ideas to Improve Sales for Small Business

The goal of any small business (or any business, really) is to steadily increase your sales. One of the main problems with small businesses is the limited amount of funds. This can dampen some of your efforts to try and increase your sales. The old adage does say after all, that you have to spend money to make money.

Thankfully, this is not always true. There are ways that you can elevate your sales by spending little to no money. If you are looking for innovative ideas that really work, you should get advice from companies like Global Resources to improve your chances. Here is what you can do to make more money:

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6 Things Every Small Business Must Bring to a Trade Show

Trade Show
Preparing for your first trade show can be intimidating, but if everything goes right trade shows can be highly beneficial for company growth. On the other hand, if you’re poorly prepared and show up with nothing special to offer, you might wind up going home disappointed by the fact that the neighboring booths stole the show while you sat there and watched everybody pass by. There are certain things that people just expect to see when they visit a professional booth, and if your stand is lacking any of those components, it’s going to be difficult to compete. With that said, here are five things every small business should bring to a trade show:

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What to Consider When Designing a Marketing Banner

Marketing Banner
If you plan on attending a business event or you want to increase your brand awareness, you should consider investing in marketing banners. Designing a banner takes more than just putting a logo and catchy slogan on it. There are number of nuances you need to consider when designing a marketing banner. What colours should you use and should they have an image or text or both? You can choose to get your banners designed by a professional company or you can design them yourself and if you choose the latter, you will need to make sure you can produce a high resolution image that is clear and of a high quality.

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6 Pro Tips to Abide by in Retail Merchandising

The goal of merchandising should be to attract the interest of customers. Its whole purpose is to make your store stand out and, honestly, look beautiful. It’s about creating a welcoming characterful environment. It’s gotta be somewhere that customers find appealing, and at the same time, they have to be able to find what they want.

Doing it right is tough indeed. So here are some pro tips that will get the products flying off the shelves.

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10 Most Unusual Ways to Promote Your Business

When companies form, they instantly think about how they can market their brand. You won’t be any different because you need to advertise to sell products and make money. That is how the industry works. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can deviate from the norm by choosing different marketing techniques. The ‘experts’ will try and tell you that there are only a few ways to ensure that you effectively market your brand, but they are wrong.

There are hundreds of ways to market your brand if you know where to look. In fact, there are several unusual ways to market your brand. And, these are the ones that you want to concentrate on if you want to make a splash. The great thing about the weird and wonderful world of marketing is that it is new and fresh. Unlike the tried and tested methods, consumers aren’t wise to them, which makes them more effective.

If you are a non-believer, here are ten methods you can try that will transform your marketing strategy.

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