Importance of Employee Physical Well Being in the Office

Office Ergonomics
How do you run a successful office environment? Well, as the old saying goes, a happy employee is a productive employee, something that is all too often overlooked by employers trying to get the most bang for their buck. Recently, trends in more forward-looking companies are moving away from long, rigid work days and more towards making employees comfortable so that they can produce the best work possible. One crucial part of this is ensuring that health problems caused by the office workplace are minimized – after all, it doesn’t make sense to have employees off sick because of issues that could have been prevented. Here’s a few things to think about in terms of improving physical workplace well-being.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Conduct Effective and Efficient Business Meetings

Here is a startling fact that you may not know – Businesses in U.S. lose approximately $37 billion in salary cost as a result of meetings! This is equivalent of annual revenue of some of the largest companies in the U.S. Imagine the money that companies can save just by avoiding, or at least being effective in, those meetings.  Ask any professional about his opinion on the meetings he has to attend as part of his job and more than likely you will hear lots of complaints. According to Atlassian, employees on an average attend 62 meetings per month. Nearly 50% of those meetings are considered waste of time by employees attending those meetings!

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How can HR Professionals Harness Technology to Improve Hiring Process?

The success of any business is highly dependent on the quality of its employees. Hiring the right employees, training them and taking care of them should be a priority for any company that wants to grow and succeed in the market. As a result HR department plays a crucial role in making this successful. Unfortunately, these days HR departments have to deal with number of challenges, including job applicant screening, government regulations and so on.

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Does Open Office Environment Really Work in Business?

Highly Flexible Open Layout
Open office environment has been talk of the town these days. If you visit offices of start-ups n Silicon Valley or even in well established companies the leaders are tearing down the walls of cubicles and putting up open desks. According to International Facility Management Association, nearly 70 percent of companies have open office environment.

The open offices take various shapes in different companies. Some have just long table and chairs along it so employees are sitting side by side. In other places they still keep the cubicle walls, but the height is reduced so that employees can see each other without having to get up. In some other offices you will also find open spaces where employees can gather to discuss.

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How to Organize Team Building Events to Create Lasting Bonds

Team Building

Post by Dan Colgan, Founder Rock Paper Team LLC

Corporate team building is a great way for companies of any size to discover new ways of working that can transform their business environment. Team building activities build skills and strengthen teams, while promoting synergy and bonding between employees and team members.

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Workplace Safety Tips All Employees Must Follow

Workplace Safety
No matter how many policies and guidelines are laid out for workplace safety, it’s impossible to have a work environment that is hazard-free without ensuring that all employees are aware of those guidelines and put them into practice. A safe working environment is based on how all workers of all levels adhere to and communicate about safety standards at work. The foundation of any workplace that is safe with minimal risk of hazards and danger is one which encourages employees to identify any hazards and unsafe behaviors which they see as well as offer their own suggestions for improving safety.

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What Personality Traits are a Good Fit for Career in Sales?

Sales Jobs
Have you always fancied a career in sales? These roles can be ideal for people who enjoy meeting others and who feel passionate about promoting products and services. Even if you’re attracted to this line of work though, you may not be sure if it would really suit you. To give you a clearer idea of what’s required, here are a few of the personality traits that could help to make you the perfect fit for these positions.

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4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Employees

Hiring employees is expensive. Both the process of finding the right person and keeping them on are time-consuming and cost you money. But it is imperative to keep talented people on your team. However, if you’re paying to have them there, you understandably want to get as much out of them as you can. Making the most of each of your employees is essential if you want to get your money’s worth. That doesn’t mean treating them like bags of money you can wring dry, though. If you want them to reach their full potential, you have to be willing to nurture them. Employees who are treated like people will be more likely to work hard and stick around. If you want to make the most of yours, do the things below.

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Top 5 Reasons to Give Specialist Training to Your Employees

Are you having problems keeping your staff engaged? Do you have a high turnover of employees? Do you get complaints about customer service? The answer to these dilemmas could lie in training provision. Proper training can not only help you get better results but it can also help motivate employees and improve employee engagement. Take a look at our top 5 benefits of specialist training:

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Improve Productivity and Security with Employee Monitoring Software

For business owners, and particularly small business ones, two of the biggest challenges they have to deal with are employee productivity and business security. Productivity determines how much sales and profit they can get out of their existing resources. While security is a necessity that they cannot live without. Even a single data breach can cost them thousands of dollars in litigation. Unfortunately, many business owns struggle in overcoming both these challenges.

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