8 Essential Tips to Create a Powerful E-Commerce Website

A lot of enterprises have realized that the best way to remain competitive is by moving their businesses online, and this is one of the reasons that has led to the burgeoning of the e-commerce industry. In a study by eMarketer, the e-commerce sales have recorded annual double-digit growth in the past decade and by 2020, it is expected that annual sales will top $4 trillion.

With that said, there is a lot of competition, and only a few businesses have penetrated the market. There is also a multitude of website creation tools that allow anyone to build and host a website at cheap rates. We have researched, and we have identified the following eight actionable tips that will help you create a powerful e-commerce website. However, only the businesses that are focused on going the full eight miles will use the tips below.

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How to Get Increased Phone Answering Support Without Huge Bill

Every business has been there, particularly during the holiday or flu season; the phone rings… and rings… and rings… going to voice mail or sending customers in a circle of pressing buttons until they give up. It’s not fun for the customer trying to get hold of somebody, and it’s not fun for the business suffering the guilt of not being able to meet expectations. But what can you do? How can you provide better phone answering services for your customers?

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Infographic: Building vs. Renting an Office

There are many factors you need to consider before you decide to build or rent out property. You don’t want to look back with regret over the decision. You want the best option which pays out dividends. This infographic helps guide you on making the right decision. One of the first major decisions you will need to make is where to build or rent out the premises. This infographic talks about how suppliers, customers and competitors are a big factor when it comes to location. You also need to consider regional pricing and labour costs when choosing a location for the new property. After deciding on a location for the premises, this infographic then helps you to decide whether you should rent out or build the property.

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4 Essential Tips to Improve your Business in 2019

Want to make 2019 the year your business really takes flight? Well, you don’t need a large budget to start making changes that will help your company realize unprecedented success. Indeed, there’s no time like now to take a good, hard look at the ways you’ve been doing things for the past year and make the effort to evolve.

Here are four ways that you can improve your business in 2019.

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7 Reasons You Should Become an Exhibitor at a Trade Shows

Over the last decades, trade shows have proven to be among the best platforms to generate brand awareness and make sales. However, several businesses have been doing it all wrong when they attend such shows with purely sales and awareness goals. Non-sales-related objectives can significantly have measurable results to your business as well without limiting the effectiveness of your program. Here are 7 reasons why you should become an exhibitor at a trade show. Please read on.

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Why Do You Need to Customize and Localize Your Web Content

Internet has been a great equalize for many business owners, particularly the small businesses that do not have resources to reach customers globally. By creating a website you can sell your products and services to anyone regardless of which country he resides in. Many small business owners have taken advantage of this and grown their business successfully. The warehouse and logistics services offered by companies such as Amazon and UPS and payment processing offered by companies such as Paypal has enabled them to cover all the processes without having to spend much on the backend infrastructure.

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Workplace Practices and Procedures to Follow for Employee Safety

Did you know that in the United States, a worker is injured on the job once every seven seconds? That adds up to 12,300 injuries each day, or a staggering 4,500,000 every year.

As a small business owner, you owe your employees a safe working environment. Not only will maintaining a safe workplace lower the odds that you will have to pay out workers compensation claims, but it’s just the right thing to do.

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How to Get Your Hospitality Business Off to A Great Start

Benjamin Franklin said “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. This could not be any truer than when starting a hospitality business. In the past decade, we have seen the industry continuously grow to become one of the more preferred industries for small business owners. It is continuously evolving on both the technological and customer front and the year 2019 promises continued growth on the hospitality front. Increased competition and fluid changes have meant that those getting into the hospitality business should be armed with a few basic essentials to ensure a great start to their venture into the hospitality arena. From recruiting employees with the right skills to getting your numbers rights, here are a few tips to get you going.

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Jacques Poujade on: 4 Home Buying Tips for Small Business Owners

Buying a home requires a lot of planning and knowledge. It is important to find the right fit and stay within your means as well. My name is Jacques Poujade, managing partner at LendPlus, and I work with people of different financial situations, including many small business owners. No matter how much money a person has, small business owners can get themselves in trouble if they aren’t careful when buying a personal home. Here are four tips to keep in mind to have a positive experience.

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How to Create an Ecommerce Business

Starting an online business is easier than ever. In less than an hour, you can create a website capable of selling your wares. It used to be that going into business for yourself required a lot of capital. This is no longer the case. Anyone who has a PayPal account and access to the internet can set up an e-commerce environment. That doesn’t mean that there’s no work involved. You have to figure out many things. For instance, what about shipping to the Bahamas? Or Europe? Or Africa? The internet is a global village. Some of your customers might be outside the U.S. Do you know how to reach them?

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