What Does Your Business Need to Know about Protective Equipment to Avoid Accidents

If you run your own business, the likeliness of you knowing about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is quite high. Last year, the PPE Directive 89/686/EEC4 was replaced by the Regulation 2016/425 in a bid to improve health and safety at work.

However, a lot of managers will be trying to find out how this will impact them — especially if they operate both solely in the UK or within the European Union. Opposed to the former directive, the new regulation is a binding legislative act that must be applied in its entirety across the EU without requiring separate national legislation.

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Without Dan Holzmann Juice Plus+ Could Never Have Been Successful

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That’s a bold statement to make but one which is backed up by a lot of truth. Without Dan Holzmann, Juice Plus++ could never have been as successful, as it is now. Dan Holzmann was always searching for ways that would not only expand Juice Plus+’s global outreach but also maintain product quality.

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How Small Business Can Benefit from the Convenience of Services in 21st Century

The technological advancement of the 21st century provides a convenient way of life for most people. Almost everything can be done instantaneously, thanks to technological development that were developed for decades. All aspects of life in this century deals heavily with technology, and things that you wanted could be provided in an instant. Take eating out as an example – in the past, fast food restaurants only number in hundreds. However, as more people looked at fast service to be more convenient, the majority started to like fast food restaurants. It is a time-saving business model, and it started to explode in numbers as more people look into time as an important resource.

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5 Ways to Keep Business Loans from Ruining Your Business

What is your perception of business loans? If you are like most entrepreneurs, you see them as the lifeblood of what you do. Without the right selection of loans to help manage your cash flow, your business would not survive. Fair enough. But did you know that business loans can ruin your business just as easily as rescue it?

Business loans are just a tool. In and of themselves, they cannot make or break your business. Use loans properly and they can be instrumental in accomplishing everything from capital improvements to adding staff. Use them improperly and they will become a ponderous chain that drags your business into dangerous territory.

It is assumed that most business owners know how to use business loans from a practical standpoint. So instead, here are five ways to keep those loans from ruining your business:

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How Can Specialty Fleet Software Help Your Small Business Succeed

If your small business has a fleet of vehicles, it’s essential to know details about each car, truck, or van. Decades ago, the primary solution was to stay in contact with each driver via telephone or even a pager, but now, the options are significantly more high-tech due to software. Several fleet management solutions have emerged in the market that take advantage of advanced technology such as GPS, sensors, etc. to make managing the fleet safe as well as efficient.

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How to Present Food in the Deli to Whet Customers’ Appetite

You work hard to deliver a high-quality selection of seafood in your restaurant to the customers. Therefore, it is important to utilize smart marketing and presentation strategies to ensure shoppers notice and trust your product. A simple, yet effective tool, is creating an attractive display to show off your catch of the day.

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How to Be Less Busy in Your Business

Being the boss in a business can sometimes feel as though you are constantly moving, but not, perhaps, in a productive, forward motion. There are always things to do, but if you are going round in circles, always doing the same things over and over, and neglecting the bigger, more important tasks, then you won’t get anywhere. You might be busy, but are you being productive? There is a big difference.

In order to help you to be less busy and to assist you in doing more useful things in your business, here are some of the things you can do to help yourself and your business as a whole. It’s time to become less busy in your business and start making progress instead.

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10 Surefire Strategies for Hiring Great Employees

Even when jobs are scarce, finding great employees can be a challenge. A good employee is more than just someone who has the right skills to get the job done, they also fit in well with the culture and help those around them be better as well. Finding a good employee can sometimes be like finding a needle in a haystack, but there are definitely ways to significantly increase your odds. Here are 10 strategies for hiring great employees.

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What is Faraday Bag and Why You Should Use It?

Energy surrounds us at all times. Most of the time, this energy is necessary, it keeps everything on earth working the way it is supposed to. It also helps to create new things every day. Scientists are constantly learning new ways to harness the energy to be used in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, this energy can also be harmful. One type of harmful energy is called an EMP which stands for electromagnetic pulse. If this pulse is centered in an area where there are no electronic devices or electricity, it will not be a problem; however, it will damage any electronic device in its path. The level of damage will be determined by the strength of the pulse.

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4 Tools That Can Help Automate Market Research

Without a proper marketing strategy, companies simply cannot measure up to their competition. In the past, business owners were left to their own devices and were required to spend hour upon hour, researching their marketing strategies and checking out their competitors. Today, there are a plethora of marketing tools available and these make light work of a once tedious job. If you are a small business owner, make sure to check out these four amazing tools that will help improve your marketing strategy like never before.

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