Agam Berry Shares: Can A Small Business Be Vertically Integrated?

Tech entrepreneur Agam Berry recently took time out of his busy work schedule to share some of his insights about small businesses and vertical integration. It is a topic that he is very familiar with, so getting insight from him should be helpful for many different types of people. He has about a decade of experience in this field, and it is something he is very passionate about. Here are his answers to some common questions.

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How the Bitcoin Revolution Will Affect Entrepreneurs

Savvy entrepreneurs are always looking for opportunities, and innovation often provides a chance to make money. When you are first or fast to the market with a new system or process, there is an opportunity to be viewed as the expert, generating income and developing a relationship that can sustain a business for many years.

It is, therefore, no surprise to learn that many entrepreneurs are interested in Bitcoin and how the Bitcoin revolution will affect entrepreneurs. This guide will consider some key benefits of Bitcoin that can provide entrepreneurs with an advantage or opportunity.

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How to Use Screen Sharing as an Effective Training Method

Online training is convenient for businesses of all types, especially those with remote workers. It’s nice to be able to post a training document online and have employees read through it and acknowledge that they’ve completed the task. However, the convenience of online training does have its drawbacks. There’s always the risk that an employee may acknowledge that they’ve read the training without actually doing so. You also risk questions about the training material that go unasked and unanswered.

So how can you minimize these risks without taking away the convenience of online training? The answer is screen sharing. Keep reading to learn how you can use screen sharing as a way to train your workforce both near and far.

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How to Grow Your Business in Remote Markets

At certain point, each successful business reaches a crossroads of sorts. When a business owner realizes that they’ve accomplished as much as they can in a local market, they then face a big decision: to expand or not to expand? Of course, growing a company in order to reach new heights is a potentially lucrative investment. On the other hand, though, plenty of entrepreneurs have found expansion to be a troubling and costly process. With that in mind, today we’ll focus on how you can effectively move your budding enterprise into new locales –– without suffering some of the common pitfalls associated with small business growth.

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Most Common Types of SEO Services for Small Businesses

In order to survive on the market, small businesses need to find ways to stay competitive at all times. Quite often, staying competitive means boosting our Google ranking. But that is not something we can do on our own.

When looking for a professional SEO consultant, we might feel like we’ve gotten ourselves in a search that is way over our heads. Indeed, there’s such a multitude of SEO agencies advertising their first-rate services that it seems impossible to choose.

The feeling of confusion is only reinforced once we take a look at the services they offer. They all seem identical, and what’s worse — we usually have no idea what they imply.

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How to Build a Strong Marketing Team

Marketing is one of the reasons that some of your favorite brands exist. It is a tool used in every business that enables a product, service, or brand to be noticed by their target audience. However, if you look deeper, you will see that successful marketing isn’t the work of a single person; instead, it’s usually the result of the joint efforts of a whole team. You may be the head of a marketing department, or perhaps you own your business and are looking for ways to build an effective marketing team, which applies to you, you’re going to find out how you can do so below.

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7 Questions to Ask to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Business

If you run a business, you know that your customers are the key to your success. Therefore, you must find a way to understand your target customers better. This is where a detailed buyer persona comes in. A buyer persona can help you gather relevant customer information so that you know how to market your goods and services to them. This will help you offer your target market valuable content. Statistics show that 63 percent of customers approve of a brand if it provides them with interesting, relevant, and valuable content.

So how do you create a detailed buyer persona?

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4 Technologies That Have Revolutionized the Manufacturing Process

Despite the term manufacturing coming from the word “manu” which means using your hands, most of the manufacturing today is done through technology. Productivity dramatically increased in the past few years in the world of manufacturing thanks to industrial robots and artificial intelligence.

Technology and manufacturing have gone hand-in-hand since the Industrial Revolution. Humans across the globe have always looked for an easier way to produce new things. From the cotton gin to the paper mill, manufacturing hasn’t slowed down in centuries. Today, there are 4 technologies that have changed the process for good. Since the introduction of these, the industry itself has shifted for good. Let’s take a closer look at the tech that’s making an impact today.

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Why You Need a Professional Lawyer to Deal with Legal Issues

There are lots of situations where you require MassTsang impaired driving lawyers. On top of that, you might also need to have a reliable expert that will help you handle business law issues. All the little things matter when it comes to stuff like this, so you really have to adapt and adjust as much as possible to achieve those goals.

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5 Ways to Save Money When Starting a Business

Today, we live in a world that is run by massive corporations. Internet gurus and hugely successful entrepreneurs who have invested all their time, energy and finances into entrepreneurship are now in many ways running the world. All of the products that we use at home, work and school are the result of somebody sacrificing their savings and time and deciding to risk it all in a new business. But most big-name businesses that everybody knows today didn’t start out as huge as they are now. In fact, if you hear their stories, you may be very surprised to hear about how small they were when they first began.

However small it is, owning your own business is certainly one of the best ways to make yourself feel proud. Humble beginnings are nothing to be ashamed of, as this is often just what it takes to make it where you want to go. But, being mindful of your spending and taking steps to cut costs when first starting out is absolutely necessary to put your brand in with the best chance of success for the future. Read on for our top tips for saving money in your small business.

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