5 Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Modern Non-Profit Organizations

The world has become increasingly digital in recent years, thanks to technological advances. This trend was accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which made virtual meetings and events much more common. National restrictions on gatherings forced many non-profits to host virtual fundraising events instead of their usual in-person versions.

While the world is slowly returning to normal, there is still demand for such virtual events. These allow charities to spread their message further and attract donations from people that might not usually attend fundraisers. As such, virtual fundraisers now play an important role for modern non-profit organizations. Here are some fundraising ideas for such charities.

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5 Tips to Push Your Team to Achieve Their Potential

If you want to make sure that your team are being pushed enough or if you want to make sure that they achieve their true potential, then this is very easy to do, if you know the steps you need to take. If you want to help yourself and them then this is the guide for you.

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8 Things to Consider While Buying a Small Skid Steer Loader

A skid steer loader is a handy piece of equipment that can be used for various tasks: snow removal, earthmoving, landscaping, roadwork, and carrying materials. Manufacturers offer these loaders in various sizes and many options in hydraulic capacity and engine horsepower. If you want to use one at your job site, you need to choose the right size for the job.

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5 Quick Ways to Grow Your Small Business

Growing and expanding your business can be challenging as it can take a lot of time and a considerable amount of effort. It essentially means having the ability to play numerous roles, dealing with sales and marketing, and, more importantly, understanding your taxes and company compliance. It also entails having a strong relationship with your current and potential customers daily.

So, if you are having a hard time growing your business, there is some good news. Just clear your thoughts and look at things from a different perspective. That way, you can easily understand and identify ways to expand your business and make more profits. And while there are many ways you can use to achieve that; the following are some of the proven ways to take your business to the next level swiftly and professionally.

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How Can Retailers Boost Foot Traffic in the New Normal?

The new normal is here to stay, and no retail business can expect to thrive without realigning with it. Cannabis retail is no exception, but the good thing is that the industry has excellent recovery prospects. The demand is high after the pandemic boom, and more consumers are likely to join the bandwagon. But when it comes to getting the foot traffic back to your retail store, everything boils down to taking the right approach to customer experience. You need not spend a fortune or do a lot to get things on track. Here are some actionable ideas you can implement.

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How Real-Time Insights Can Drive Customer Profitability

Real-time analytics—that is, using mathematics and logic to gain insights from data as it is collected—is a key component of a sound and smart decision-making process. This capability can be utilized to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and see how these efforts are translated to sales, to ensure that the bank can enhance its balance sheet management efforts, boost workflow efficiency, and improve the bank’s understanding of customer behaviors. Real-time analytics is one of the crucial features that forward-looking banks should look for when shopping for solutions and products that will bring the digital revolution to their respective organizations.

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6 Important Tips to Meet and Exceed Customer Expectations

As an entrepreneur your goal should not only be to satisfy customers but to exceed their expectations. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you’ll need to go above and beyond by offering your customer the best experience possible.

Don’t think of customer service as an individual part of your company, instead, think of it as a journey from start to finish. How does your target customer feel from the first interaction with your brand until the final product? If you really want to wow your target market, think of the entire customer experience from a holistic perspective.

If you’re eager to get started but you’re not too sure how to go about this, here are some of our best tips and tricks.

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5 Tactics to Get More Customers in Your Brick and Mortar Store

Online shopping has skyrocketed in popularity, and this shows little sign of slowing down. If businesses want to get customers into stores, they’ve got to get a little creative. With the right tricks up your sleeve, you’ll drive foot traffic and start increasing sales. To inform your strategies, here are a few places to start.

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5 Major Challenges Facing Small Business in the USA This Fall

It has been a turbulent summer in the US, as new optimism and a rebounding marketplace met extreme weather and rising COVID-19 cases. Small businesses are going to be facing a lot of challenges in the months ahead. Here are some of the most important ones that you should pay attention to. The best defense is to prepare yourself ahead of time.

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How to Prevent Customer Identity Theft in Your Business

Identity theft is a big threat to online businesses: the fraudsters/hackers access your customers personal information like ID, credit card number, name and address among others. Then, they use this information to open accounts, make online purchases withdraw money or even get tax refunds. Four main ways people can steal your customer’s identity are through oversharing, hacking, phishing/cold calling or an inside job

Safeguarding your customer’s data should be one of your top concerns. A data breach could put your customers in danger financially and physically, it could ruin your business’s reputation and will cost you thousands or even millions to fix depending on the degree of damage caused.

So how do you prevent customer identity theft on your online business? Follow strong digital security practices for your business.

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